Public Housing / Golden Gate Village Revitalization / Final Executed ENA with Burbank
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The land referred to is situated in the unincorporated area of the County of Marin, State of California, and is described as follows:
Beginning at the most Easterly corner of Block 130, as said Block is shown on Sausalito land & Ferry Company Map, recorded April 26, 1869 in Rack 1, Pull 9, Marin County Records, and running thence on Lambert Grid bearings California Coordinate System Zone 3, as determined by California State Highway U.S. 101 Coordinates, on a curve to the left whose center bears North 51° 32' 30" East radius 1050.0 feet, through a central angle of 27° 02' 30" for a distance of 495.564 feet; thence on a curve to the left whose center bears North 24° 30' East radius 360.0 feet, through a central angle of 44° 45' for a distance of 281.173 feet; thence on a curve to the left whose center bears North 20° 15' West radius 460.0 feet, through a central angle of 52° 55' for a distance of 424.842 feet; thence on a curve to the left whose center bears North 73° 10' West radius 820.0 feet, through a central angle of 26° 05' for a distance of 373.297 feet; thence on a curve to the left whose center bears South 80° 45' West radius 1301. 686 feet through a central angle of 19° 16' 44" for a distance of 437.991 feet; thence North 70° 35' East 308.687 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of California State Highway No. 101; thence along said Highway line on a curve to the left whose center bears North 48° 43' 14", East radius 349.97 feet, through a central angle of 19° 56' 23" for a distance of 121. 794 feet; thence South 61° 13' 09" East 132.952 feet; thence along the Westerly line of said Highway right of way on a curve to the right whose center bears South 57° 26' 18" West radius 1919.84 feet, through a central angle of 3° 25' 53 for a distance of 114.98 feet, thence South 00° 52' 1" West 1508.61 feet to a point distant North 00° 52' 11" East 103.0 feet, from monument set at an angle point in said Highway right of way line, having a coordinate of North 503, 841. 890 and East 1, 420, 851.250; thence leaving said right of way line and running South 83° 44' 20" West 1008.751 feet and North 38° 05' West 974.190 feet to the Southeasterly line of said Block 130, hereinabove mentioned, thence along said Southeasterly line, North 51° 32' 30" East 380.0 feet to the point of beginning.
Excepting therefrom: The Parcel of land described in the Deed to the Redevelopment Agency of the County of Marin, recorded April 20, 1994, Series No. 94-034031, Marin County Official Records.
APN: 052-140-22 and 052-140-41
Golden Gate Village (GGV) is a traditional public housing property owned and managed by the Marin Housing Authority (MHA). GGV is located in Marin City, CA, and MHA serves all of Marin County.
Like many public housing properties, GGV needs to be preserved as affordable rental housing and recapitalized to address physical needs. MHA has created a Redevelopment Plan to address the physical, financial, and social needs of GGV. This memo details the context and plans for the redevelopment of GGV.
Preserving GGV as affordable rental housing for current and future residents is in the best interest of residents and MHA.
Marin County is faced with a tremendous shortage of affordable housing. GGV provides 296 units of rental housing to the general public. Maintaining this open availability is critical to future residents, both those on the waiting list and those yet to come.
MHA's plan to preserve GGV will maintain income and rent restrictions. HUD and the state of California will regulate GGV as affordable housing for at least 55 years following the start of construction. With MHA as the managing general partner, the MHA board controls the future ownership and operations of GGV. Keeping control in the public realm ensures public policy is the controlling interest for the future use of the property.
Completing the maximum amount of rehabilitation possible is in the best interest of the residents and MHA, Affordable housing by definition is financially constrained. Attracting the greatest amount of capital to invest in physical improvements is good housing policy.
Marin City, and the Black community in Marin City, have experienced disinvestment and harm for decades. Racist actions toward the Black community have come from government policy and private citizens alike. MHA's plan will both invest in the physical and social fabric of Marin City and offer residents from communities of color the choice to make a decision that is in the best interest of their families.
1.0 Golden Gate Village Description
Marin Housing Authority (MHA) owns and operates GGV. The property includes a total of 300 units in 29 buildings. Of the 300 units, 294 operate as dwelling units, including 44 one-bedroom units, 132 two-bedroom units, 111 three-bedroom units, and 9 four-bedroom units. The site is 29.8 acres on two parcels.
GGV is income and rent-restricted. Incomes at initial occupancy are limited to 80% of the area median, adjusted for household size. Rents are restricted to 30% of the household’s adjusted income.
In 1957, MHA chose Frank Lloyd Wright's protege, Aaron Green, and another noted local architect, John Carl Warnecke, to design GGV. Construction was completed in 1961. In 2017, GGV was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Significant deferred maintenance and capital improvement are needed at the property. A 2021 Capital Needs Assessment completed by AEI Consultants reported $63,750,526 of immediate rehabilitation costs. This report relied on national construction cost data as the basis for estimating the cost of rehabilitation. This data provides the average construction cost in the country. The estimated total rehabilitation cast has not been adjusted by the geographic location factor for Marin County or inflation.
2.0 Preferred Repositioning Option: Section 18 Disposition
The obsolescence threshold will likely be met and the FMRs are nearly more than double RAD rents. Therefore, Section 18 Obsolescence is the most economically advantageous approach for GGV.
Under Section 18 Obsolescence, MHA is eligible to receive a net new Section 8 Tenant Protection Voucher (TPV) for every occupied unit. These TPVs can be used to enter a project Based Voucher (PBV) contract resulting in the leverage capital needed to make physical improvements. PBV contracts also require income and rent restrictions, and so will preserve affordable housing in Marin City.
Based on eligibility, economic analysis, and desired outcomes, Section 18 Obsolescence is the preferred Repositioning option for GGV.
3.0 GGV Redevelopment Plan
Using information received from residents and stakeholders, a review of affordable housing needs and trends in Marin County, an analysis of GGV needs, and financing options, MHA staff created a framework for redeveloping GGV.
Much of this plan embraces the goals and outcomes expressed by GGV residents. When completed, we will have accomplished a comprehensive renovation of GGV, incorporating “deep green” features, and preserving the historic integrity of the property.
The remainder of this section will describe the Redevelopment Framework created for GGV.
3.1 Guiding Principles
In 2009, MHA’s board of commissioners adopted the Guiding Principles for the redevelopment of GGV. Having been adopted by the MHA Board, these Guiding Principles are policy statements that will inform the process and outcomes of a GGV redevelopment.
3.2 Project Goals & Objectives
Goal 1: Preserve Golden Gate Village as affordable rental housing for current and future residents.
Goal 2: Protect Residents’ Rights. Strengthen and Expand Affordable Housing as a Social Safety Net.
Goal 3: Create Economic Opportunity for GGV Residents
3.3 Resident Involvement in Plan
The involvement of residents of GGV is necessary for a successful redevelopment and harmonious community thereafter. MHA will work with residents of GGV to create an involvement plan that centers the needs of the residents in the redevelopment of the site and management of the community once the redevelopment is complete. This may include the creation of a training series that informs residents of the typical redevelopment process and overall management of a site such as GGV, so that residents may be fully informed participants in conversations with MHA and developers. In addition, the Plan will also include the joint creation of a Memorandum of Understanding between MHA and the Resident Coungil that outlines the function and responsibilities of each party
MHA intends to enter into an agreement with the Resident Council formalizing its role at GGV following conversion from public housing. This agreement will ensure that all interactions and communications with GGV residents will be carried out in an equitable manner, including holding meetings outside of normal business hours, providing necessary supports like childcare for residents to participate in discussions, and providing stipends to residents who attend training and participate in the drafting of agreements, policies, and operating procedures.
Specifically, MHA will seek the Resident Council's input in the selection of a developer partner for GGV. This will include seeking input on the Request for Qualifications and having a representative on the selection committee. MHA anticipated clear and measurable outcomes and process requirements for the project to be included in the RFQ.
MHA intends to work with the Resident Council to set specific and measurable outcomes for public benefits during the construction phase. This could include a number of resident construction-related jobs, or a percentage of construction contracts awarded to minorities, women, or emerging small businesses.
MHA also intends to work with the Resident Council to establish specific roles and outcomes for residents and the Resident Council post-rehabilitation. This could include contracts with the Resident Council or resident-owned businesses for the work to affirmatively further fair housing, landscaping, or an answering service. Additionally, MHA would like to establish a protocol for the review of operating budgets for resident services to ensure year-over-year input from residents on programs and budgets.
4.0 Implementation Approach
To achieve the Project Goals and Objective identified above, MHA should use three techniques available and common for Repositioning public housing. These are Section 18 Disposition, co- development and partnership with a developer partner, and leverage of capital using Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) and debt. Combined use of these three techniques offers the best opportunity to redevelop GGV for the best interest of the residents (current and future) and MHA.
Section 18 Disposition: Obsolescence:
As a public housing authority, MHA will submit the Disposition application to HUD. Several elements of the application’s submittal requirements and process are bulleted below.
Below is an overview of the Section 18 process.
Co-Developer / Development Partner:
Successful redevelopment of GGV will require MHA to select a co-developer / development partner. This partner will assist by carrying out development functions such as design management architect, preconstruction management of the general contractor, securing permits and entitlements, obtaining financing, and overseeing construction. During construction and the operating phase of the project, a development partner typically provides the necessary guarantees and experience needed to secure financing.
The property management function will be performed by the Co-Developer / Developer Partner or an identified third party. This is also a role important to the successful operations of GGV post redevelopment.
MHA should use a Request for Qualifications process to seek a partner. Evaluation of the partner should rely heavily on prospective partners' understanding and willingness to carry out the Project Goals and Objectives set for GGV. Successful experience with similar projects should be used as a basis for evaluating fit as a partner.
MHA should begin the process to select a partner immediately following the MHA board's adoption of a GGV Redevelopment Framework. Their participation in creating Section 18 submittal requirements will be necessary. MHA should involve the Resident Council in the process to select a Co-Developer / Development Partner.
MHA will aiso serve as a Co-Developer and partner in the development. As a public entity, their involvement in the limited partnership (ownership entity for GGV post redevelopment) will maintain public oversight of this long-held public asset. Maintaining public ownership or stake in a property is considered by housing professicnals a reliable means to ensure long-term affordability. The public sector does not operate with profit motives, but rather measures return by public benefit. The number of units remains affordable housing is a baseline measure of public benefit for affordable housing.
Leveraged Financing:
GGV is a large property with capital needs requirements expected for a property over 60 years old. Square footage of the site, original building design, and age contribute to the need for substantial rehabilitation. Creating additional pressure on the total project costs is the desire to complete a "deep green" rehabilitation, historic preservation requirements, relocation of residents to accommodate an occupied rehabilitation, and inflation pressures brought on by the overall economic outlook and the construction industry in the Bay Area.
To attract capital sufficient to redevelop GGV, MHA proposes to use a financing plan that will use LIHTC, Historic Tax Credit (HTC), permanent debt, seller financing, and deferred developer fee. This approach has been used hundreds of times in the past 10 years by public housing authorities wanting to recapitalize and preserve affordable housing. This approach is often combined with the Repositioning tools Section 18 Obsolescence, RAD / Section 18 Blend, and RAD. HUD actively promotes this approach as a preferred method to preserve and recapitalize public housing.
5.0 Ownership and Control
Using the Section 18 Disposition Repositioning tool and LIHTC establishes a statutory/regulatory and ownership structure for GGV. Within that required structure, MHA has the discretion to set development objectives, housing policy objectives, and exercise management decisions.
Statutory / Regulatory Requirements:
For using the Section 18 process, HUD will record a Use Agreement against the property since it is being sold for less than Fair Market Value. HUD will likely restrict the use of the property to households earning 80% of the area median income for 30 years.
For using LIHTCs, the State of California, through TCAC, will record the Regulatory Agreement against the property. TCAC will restrict the incomes of households for 55 years. Restrictions will be less than 60% of the area's median income. The specific amount will mirror what MHA proposes in the competitive application seeking LIHTCs.
For using Project Based Vouchers, HUD’s regulations will control the income and rents of families living at GGV. New families entering the Section 8 program must have incomes below 50% of the area median income. Existing residents in a public housing property converting to Section 8 are exempt from this rule. Rents are limited to 30% of the resident’s adjusted income.
Ownership Structure
Use of the LIHTC and HTC requires the entity that owns the project to be a limited partnership. A limited partnership allows a limited partner to invest equity in return for federal tax credits. Percentage ownership among the partners is designed to provide the maximum allowable tax benefits to the investor limited partner. It is common for the investor limited partner to own 99.99% of the limited partnership. This entitles them to 99.99% of the federal tax credits. Their equity investment is based on the number of tax credits they receive.
Below is a diagram of the ownership structure of GGV assuming the financial plan described above.
The rights and authorities of each partner in the limited partnership are detailed in an agreement called a Limited Partnership Agreement. Control and decision making is not set by the percentage of ownership. The LIHTC Investor, as a limited partner, has very few rights related to the operations of the property.
The managing general partner typically makes management decisions on behalf of the limited partnership. For example, the managing general partner will select and sign the contract with the property management company and is responsible for seeing that the annual audit is completed, setting operating annual budgets, and all reporting requirements, and setting policies related to housing admissions.
The administrative partner is typically responsible for the financial guarantees required of the lending and LIHTC investor. Due to this financial risk, they will pay close attention to the operations of the project.
Investor limited partners on most LIHTC projects are solely interested in the tax benefits. These include tax credits for ten years and deductions such as interest cost and depreciation for fifteen years. Investors are at risk of losing tax credits if the project falls out of compliance. Overincome households living at GGV are the main compliance risk to an investor. They will also provide oversight of the financial performance and physical condition of the property.
Compliance for tax credits is 15 years. At the end of the compliance period, LIHTC investors will leave the limited partnership. At this point, MHA will have the right to purchase the property from the limited partnership based on a predetermined formula. This is called the Option / Right of First Refusal (ROFR).
LIHTC investors do not have the right to take ownership or even purchase GGV. LIHTC investors do not have the right to change rents (increases or decreases). LIHTC investors do not have the right to evict residents.
6.0 Implementation Schedule
Move forward immediately with capital improvements is a priority for MHA. Given the nature of a design, construction and finance work alone, more information is needed to create a schedule. Below is a short term schedule reflecting the work MHA is ready to start.
item # | Scope ltem | Cost Estimate |
Testing |
1 |
Phase 1 Environmental |
$ 10,900.00 |
2 |
$ 12,500.00 |
3 |
Hazardous Materials Survey |
$ 192,000.00 |
4 |
Part 58 EA |
$ 2,500.00 |
5 |
Radon Testing |
$ 14,000.00 |
Subtotal |
$ 231,900.00 |
Documents/Reports |
6 |
$ 45,000.00 |
7 |
Arborist Assesment | $ 5,000.00 |
8 |
As built Drawings |
$ 1,000.00 |
9 |
ALTA/Utility/Topo Survey |
$ 100,000.00 |
10 |
Geotechnical Report |
$ 160,000.00 |
11 |
Geotech/Environmental Consultation time |
$ 7,000.00 |
12 |
Summary of Treatment (Historical Consultant) |
$ 15,000.00 |
Documents/Reports Subtotal |
$ 333,000.00 |
Design Team |
13 |
Architect: PYATOK |
$ 160,000.00 |
14 |
Landscape: Hood Studio |
$ 131,250.00 |
15 |
Structural |
$ 21,000.00 |
16 |
Mechanical/Plumbing |
$ 15,750.00 |
17 |
Electrical |
$ 10,500.00 |
18 |
Accessibility |
$ 21,000.00 |
19 |
Fire & Life Safety Code |
$ 15,750.00 |
20 |
Sustainability |
$ 5,250.00 |
21 |
Historical Consultant |
$ 47,250.00 |
22 |
Envelope Consultant |
$ 21,000.00 |
23 |
Civil |
$ 50,000.00 |
24 |
Dry Utilities |
$ 15,000.00 |
25 |
Design Team Reimbursables 4% |
$ 20,550.00 |
Design Team Subtotal |
$ 534,300.00 |
Exploratory Demolition |
26 |
Exploratory Demolition (includes all buildings) |
$ 18,000 |
27 |
Potholing Infrastructure |
$ 16,000 |
28 |
Video Existing Sewer |
$ 10,000 |
29 |
Preconstruction Agreement |
$ 30,000 |
Exploratory Demolition Subtotal |
$ 74,000 |
Subtotal |
$ 1,173,200 |
Community Engagement |
$ 5,000 |
Contingency (15%) |
$ 175,980 |
$ 1,354,180 |
THIS PREDEVELOPMENT ASSIGNMENT OF WORK PRODUCT (this “Assignment”) is made as of May 10, 2024 by Housing Authority of the County of Marin, a public body, corporate and politic (“Borrower”) in favor of the County of Marin, a political subdivision of the State of California (“Lender”).
WHEREAS, pursuant to terms more specifically described in that certain redevelopment and Development Loan Agreement between Borrower and Lender, dated as of substantially even date herewith (the “Loan Agreement”), Lender intends to lend to Borrower up to Three Million and 00/100 Dollars ($3,000,000.00) (the “Predevelopment Component Loan”) to cover predevelopment costs incurred for the redevelopment of Golden Gate Village (the “Project”);
WHEREAS, the execution and delivery of this Assignment is a condition precedent to the performance by Lender of its obligations under the Loan Agreement;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals set forth above and incorporated herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Borrower agrees as follows:
1. Unless expressly defined herein, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Loan Agreement.
2. As sccurity for the Predevelopment Component Loan, Borrower hereby grants, transfers and assigns to Lender, effective upon occurrence of and during the continuance of an Event of Default under the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents, all the right, title and interest of Borrower, to the extent assignable, in and to the following documents so long as such items have been paid for in whole or in part by proceeds of the Predevelopment Component Loan:
(a) all contracts and subcontracts, together with any and all extensions, modifications, amendments and renewals thereof, which are entered into in connection with the performance of the Predevelopment Component or the supply of the materials required for the rehabilitation and/or construction of the Project, and written consent to such assignment, a form of which consent is attached at Schedule 1 hereto;
(b) all building permits, governmental permits, licenses and authorizations now or hereafter issued in connection with the construction, development or operation of the Project;
(c) any agreement relating to the design and monitoring of construction of the Project between Borrower (or assigned to Borrower) and the architect(s) selected or to be selected by Borrower or the Development Entity (“Architect”), together with any and all extensions, modifications, amendments and renewals thereof (collectively, the “Architect’s Agreement”) and the Architect’s written consent thereto, a form of which consent is attached at Schedule 1 hereto;
(d) all plans, specifications, bid documents, schedules, drawings, models and other information and materials related to the design or construction of the Project collected, produced, prepared or acquired by or for Borrower; and
(e) all copyrights and other rights related to the design or construction of the Project collected, produced, prepared or acquired by or for Borrower, all of which shall be deemed to be works for hire within the meaning of the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. Section 101 er. seq.
The items referred to in this Section 2 are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Project Documents.” The Project Documents are defined and described in the Loan Agreement as the “Predevelopment Component Work Product. For purposes of this Assignment, the Borrower and Lender agree that the Project Documents described in Section 2 are intended to be the same as the Predevelopment Component Work Product described in the Loan Agreement.
3. This Assignment is given for the purpose of securing the payment of all sums, now or at any time due Lender under any of the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents and any extensions, modifications, amendments and renewals thercof, and the performance and discharge of the obligations, covenants, conditions and agreements of Borrower contained in any of the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents. Lender shall have no authority to exercise rights under such contracts except after and during the continuance of an Event of Default under the Loan Documents.
4. The Lender acknowledges that certain Project Documents will be procured and paid for by Burbank Housing Development Corporation, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation (the “Development Partner”), pursuant to that certain Exclusive Right to Negotiate Agrecement by and between Borrower and Development Partner (“ERN”) and a master development agreement to be entered into between Borrower and Development Partner. In accordance with the ERN, the Development Partner and Borrower will enter into a ERN Assignment of Studies, Reports and Work Product (the “ERN Assignment”) pursuant to which Development Partner assigns Project predevelopment work product to the Borrower as security for predevelopment funding under the ERN. The Lender acknowledges that this Assignment and the Borrower’s assignment of Project Documents to Lender is limited to Borrower’s interest in the Project Documents, as applicable, under the ERN Assignment.
5. Borrower agrees as follows:
(a) Borrower will faithfully abide by, perform and discharge each and every obligation, covenant, condition and agreement of the Project Documents to be performed by Borrower and in accordance with the exercise of prudent business judgment, to enforce performance by the other parties thereto of each and every obligation, covenant, condition and agreement to be performed by each such other party.
(b) During the continuance of an Event of Default under the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents, Lender shall have the right (but not the obligation), without notice to or demand on Borrower, to perform and discharge each and every obligation, covenant, condition and agreement of Borrower under the Project Documents and, in exercising any such powers, to pay necessary costs and expenses, employ counsel and incur and pay reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses at Borrower’s cost. Lender shall not be obligated to perform or discharge, nor does it hereby undertake to perform or discharge, any obligation, duty or liability under any of the Project Documents or by reason of this Assignment.
(c) During the continuance of an Event of Default under the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents, Lender may, at its option, without notice and without regard to the adequacy of security for the indebtedness hereby secured, either in person or by agent, with or without bringing any action or proceeding, or by a receiver to be appointed by a court at any time hereafter, enforce for its own benefit any one or all of the Project Documents. The exercise of any rights under this Assignment shall not be deemed to cure or waive any default under any of the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents or waive, modify or affect any notice of default under any of the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents or invalidate any act done by Lender pursuant to or following such notice.
(d) Each of the parties to any of the Project Documents other than Borrower, upon written notice from Lender of the continuance of an Event of Default under the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents, shall be and hereby is authorized by Borrower to perform their respective agreements for the benefit of Lender in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof without any obligation to determine whether or not such an Event of Default under the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents has in fact occurred and continues.
6. Borrower hereby covenants and represents to Lender that, subject to the ERN Assignment: (a) Borrower has not previously assigned, sold, pledged, transferred, mortgaged, hypothecated or otherwise encumbered the Project Documents or any of them or its right, title and interest thercin; (b) Borrower shall not assign, sell, pledge, transfer, mortgage, hypothecate or otherwise encumber its interests in the Project Documents or any of them except that Borrower may do so in connection with the financing of the Project; (¢) Borrower has not performed any act that might prevent Borrower from performing its undertakings hereunder or that might prevent Lender from operating under or enforcing any of the terms and conditions hereof or that would limit Lender in such operations or enforcement; (d) Borrower is not in default under any of the Project Documents, and to the best knowledge of Botrower, no other party to the respective Project Documents is in default thereunder; (¢) except as provided in the Loan Agreement, no amendments to any material terms of the Project Documents will be made without the prior written consent of Lender, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned; and (f) upon execution of any of the Project Documents, Borrower will deliver a copy of such Project Documents (or the original at Lender’s request) to Lender and will require each of the parties thereto as Lender may designate to execute and deliver to Lender a consent to this Assignment.
7. All notices, demands or documents that arc required or permitted to be given or served hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed sufficiently given when delivered or mailed in the manner set forth in the Loan Agreement.
8. Any provision in the Loan Agreement that pertains to this Assignment shall be deemed to be incorporated herein as if such provision were fully set forth in this Assignment. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Assignment and the terms of the Loan Agreement, the terms of the Loan Agreement shall prevail. A provision in this Assignment shall not be deemed to be inconsistent with the Loan Agreement by reason of the fact that no provision in the Loan Agreement covers such provision in this Assignment.
9. This Assignment is made for collateral purposes only (i.e., as concurrent security for the obligations evidenced in the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents), and the duties and obligations of Borrower under this Assignment shall terminate when all sums duc Lender under the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents are paid in full and all obligations, covenants, conditions and agreements of Borrower contained in the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents are performed and discharged. This Assignment shall become effective upon an Event of Default as defined in the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents.
10. This Assignment shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. To the greatest extent permitted by law, Borrower hereby waives any and all rights to require marshaling of assets by Lender.
11. It is expressly intended, understood and agreed that this Assignment and the other Predevelopment Component Loan Documents are made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of Borrower and Lender and their respective successors and assigns (but in the case of assigns of Borrower, only to the extent of assignments thereof to affiliates of Borrower which are to undertake the development and financing of the Project, and otherwise only as permitted hereunder); that no other person or persons shall have any right at any time to action hereon or rights to the proceeds of the loan evidenced and secured by the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents; that such loan proceeds do not constitute a trust fund for the benefit of any third party; that no third party shall under any circumstances be entitled to any equitable lien on any such undisbursed loan proceeds at any time and that Lender shall have a lien upon and right to direct application of any such undisbursed loan proceeds as provided in the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents.
12. The relationship between Lender and Borrower is solely that of a lender and borrower, and nothing contained herein or in any of the Predevelopment Component Loan Documents shall in any manner be construed as making the partics hercto partners, joint venturers or any other relationship other than lender and borrower.
13. Borrower and Lender intend and believe that each provision in this Assignment comports with all applicable local, state or federal laws and judicial decisions. However, if any provision or provisions or if any portion of any provision or provisions in this Assignment is found by a court of law to be in violation of any applicable local, state or federal ordinance, statute, law, administrative or judicial decision or public policy, and if such court should declare such portion, provision or provisions of this Assignment to be illegal, invalid, unlawful, void or unenforceable as written, then it is the intent both of Borrower and Lender that such portion, provision or provisions shall be given force to the fullest possible extent that they arc legal, valid and enforceable, that the remainder of this Assignment shall be construed as if such illegal, invalid, unlawful, void or unenforceable portion, provision or provisions were not contained therein and that the rights, obligations and interests of Borrower and Lender under the remainder of this Assignment shall continue in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has duly executed this Assignment on the day and year first above written.
Kimberly Carroll
Executive Director
Action | Working Timeline |
Execution of Exclusive Right to Negotiate Agreement (“ERN") by the Authority. Authority shall execute and deliver signed ERN to Developer. |
No later than 3 working days after resolution approval by Board of Commissioners and/or receipt of the final executed ERN by the Developer, whichever is the later. |
Execution of Right of Entry by Authority and Developer. Concurrent with Execution of ERN, Developer shall be granted access to the Site. |
Concurrent with Execution of ERN by Authority. |
Reports and Studies. Authority shall provide Developer with all studies, surveys, plans, specifications, reports, documents and information regarding the Site and Project that the Authority has in its possession or control, including the environmental, building and soil conditions of the Site and the availabllity and capacity of utility services. |
Within 5 days of Execution of ERN by Authority. |
Initial Meeting. Authority and Developer shall meet and confer on preliminary concepts and financing relating to the MDA. |
Within 15 days of Execution of ERN by Authority. |
Development Team. Developer shall provide Authority a list of all development team members and consuitants to be used on the Project except for the General Contractor. Authority shall also provide Developer a list of all consultants/partners and present their roles and responsibilities throughout the development process, including CEQA/NEPA Environmental Consultant. |
Within 30 days of Execution of ERN by Authority. |
Community Engagement Process. Developer and Authority shall agree upon a series of community meetings and content of those meetings to be held during the Term. |
Within 30 days of Execution of ERN by Authority. |
Begin CEQA Review. Authority to begin CEQA review of the proposed development. |
Within 30 days of Execution of ERN by Authority. |
Submission of Final Rehabilitation Plan. Developer shall provide Authority with a final rehabilitation scope of work including proposed phasing. |
Within 6 months of Execution of ERN. |
Autharity Approval of Final Rehabilitation Plan. Authority shall provide Developer with written approval of Final Rehabilitation Plan. |
Within 10 days of Submission of Final Rehabilitation Plan. |
Completion of Community Engagement Process. Developer & Authority shall hold a final community meeting to present to the community and stakeholders the Final Rehabilitation Plan and schedule. |
Within 15 days of Authority Approval of Final Rehabilitation Plan. |
Submission of Proforma. Developer submits revised proforma for Project based on Final Rehabilitation Plan, including proposed funding sources and development budget. |
Within 15 days of Authority Approval of Final Rehabilitation Plan. |
Submission of Preliminary Schedule of Performance. Developer submits proposed schedule of performance for Project for inclusion in MDA. |
Within 15 days of Authority Approval of Final Rehabilitation Plan. |
Authority Response - Proforma. Authority to provide written response and analysis of Developer's proforma. |
Within 15 days of Developer Submission of Proforma. |
Authority Response - Schedule of Performance. Authority provides response to Preliminary Schedule of Performance. |
Within 15 days of Developer Submission of Preliminary Schedule of Performance |
Submittal of Financing Plan. Developer to submit financing plan for Project. The Financing Plan shall include the Authority-approved pro forma, potential lender and investor terms, and description of alternative funding sources evaluated in accordance with the ERIN. |
Within 15 days of completion of Authority response to Developer's proforma. |
First Draft MDA. Authority shall provide Developer with initial draft of MDA |
Within 30 days of submittal of Proforma. |
Developer Comments on First Draft of MDA. Developer shall provide Authority feedback and comments on First Draft of MDA. |
Within 21 days of Developer receipt of First Draft MDA. |
Authority provides Second Draft of MDA. Authority shall incorporate Developer comments and provide a Second Draft of MDA. |
Within 15 days of Authority receipt of Developer comments on First Draft of MDA. |
Developer Comments on Second Draft of MDA. Developer provides comments on Second Draft of MDA. |
Within 15 days of receipt of Second Draft of MDA. |
Execution of MDA. Developer and Authority execute MDA. |
Immediately upon approval of CEQA clearance estimated to occur by ___,subjectto extensions as provided in Section 1.3 of the ERN. |
THIS RIGHT OF ENTRY (this “Agreement”), is made and entered into this 10" day of May, 2024 by and between HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF MARIN, a public body, corporate and politic (“Licensor” or “Authority”) and BURBANK HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation (“Licensee” “Developer”). The Authority and Developer are sometimes referred to individually herein as a “Party” and together as the “Parties”.
WHEREAS, the Authority owns and operates a 300-unit public housing project in Marin City, California, commonly known as Golden Gate Village, on certain real property more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Site” or “License Area”);
WHEREAS, Licensee and Licensor have entered into that certain Exclusive Right to Negotiate Agreement dated as of May 10, 2024 (“ERN”) for certain predevelopment work necessary to execute a Master Development Agreement (“MDA”) to substantially rehabilitate the Site;
WHEREAS, Licensee has requested that Licensor grant Licensee and its Third Party Contractors (as defined in the ERN) a license to enter upon the Site for the purpose of conducting the predevelopment work as further described in Section 1(c} herein (the “Authorized Uses”) and for no other purpose; and
WHEREAS, Licensor desires to grant Licensee a license to use the License Area for the Authorized Uses and Licensee desires to accept from Licensor a license to use the License Area for the Authorized Uses under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals which are incorporated herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
(a) License Non-exclusive/Revocable. The Licensor hereby grants Licensee a non-exclusive, temporary, revacable license (the “License”) to Licensee and its agents, employees, and Third Party Contractors, for the temporary right to enter onto the Site, with at least forty-eight (48) hours notice to the Authority, for the Authorized Uses during the hours of 8am-4pm and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, orders and regulations. No other uses of the License Area are permitted under this Agreement without the express written consent of the Licensor. Licensee understands and agrees that its use of the License Area is non-exclusive and that the License does not include the right to store machinery, equipment, supplies, building materials, hazardous materials or substances (as those terms are defined under law and regulation) upen the License Area without the express written consent of Licensor.
(b) Grant of License Only. Licensee understands and agrees that the License does not include the grant of a right to possession or grant of title to the License Area. The right to possession of the License Area shall at all times remain with the Licensor and at no time shall Licensee have the right to exclude the Licensor, Licensor's agents, employees, public housing residents or guests from the License Area. Licensee may exclude third parties from the License Area when such exclusion is reasonably necessary in order to protect the vehicles and personal property of Licensee or maintain peace and order, conduct business, or to prevent damage to the License Area.
(c) Authorized Uses. The Licensor, its agents, employees, Third Party Contractors may enter the License Area to perform certain predevelopment work as set forth in the ERN. Authorized Uses include planning and holding stakeholder and resident meetings and conducting analyses of the Site as necessary for the execution of the MDA, including historic rehabilitation analysis and other tests and surveys.
Licensee understands and acknowledges that the Licensor's ownership of the License Area and certain surrounding properties is subject to regulation by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) and that these regulations prohibit the Licensor from causing or allowing nuisance conditions upon the License Area, including without limitation, graffiti or attractive nuisances. The Licensee shall, within five (5) days of receipt of written demand from the Licensor, promptly repair or replace, as applicable, any damage to the License Area or improvements caused by the Licensee or its employees, agents, consultants or subcontractors. All of the foregoing activities shall be conducted in compliance with applicable law. The Licensee’s covenants and obligations contained in this Section 2 shall survive the expiration of the Term.
The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the date hereof and shall, unless earlier revoked by Licensor as provided below, expire without further action required on the part of either party upon execution of a MDA or termination of the ERN (the “Term”). Notwithstanding the above, Licensor may revoke this License at any time with or without cause; provided, however; Licensor shall provide Licensee at least five (5) days notice of its election to revoke this Agreement.
Licensee shall pay Licensor a license fee equal to One Doltar ($1.00), the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged by the parties.
It is understood and agreed by the Licensee that the Licensor and its successors or assigns shall be held harmless and shall incur no liability with respect to Licensee and its employees, Third Party Contractors or agents and any vehicles and personal property stored, maintained or placed upon the License Area or harm to persons or property on or about the License Area unless due to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Licensor.
Licensee, at Licensee's sole cost and expense, shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement, insurance against claims to injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from, or in connection with, any activities at the Site hereunder by Licensee or its agents, employees, or Third Party Contractors.
(a) Liability insurance. Prior to entry on the License Area, Licensee shall obtain and keep in force a Commercial General Liability policy of insurance protecting Licensee and Licensor as an additional insured against claims for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage based upon or arising out of the ownership, use, occupancy or maintenance of the License Area and all areas appurtenant thereto. Such insurance shall be on an occurrence basis providing single limit coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence with an annual aggregate of not less than $2,000,000, an “Additional Insured-Managers or Licensors of Premises Endorsement’ and contain the "Amendment of the Pollution Exclusion Endorsement” for damage caused by heat, smoke or fumes from a hostile fire. The policy shall not contain any intra-insured exclusions as between insured persons or organizations, but shall include coverage for liability assumed under this Agreement as an “insured contract” for the performance of Licensee’s indemnity obligations under this Agreement. The limits of said insurance shall not, however, limit the liability of Licensee nor relieve Licensee of any obligation hereunder. All insurance carried by Licensee shall be primary to and not contributory with any similar insurance carried by Licensor, whose insurance shall be considered excess insurance only.
(b) Premises. Licensee shall pay for any increase in the premiums for the property insurance of the Site if said increase is caused by Licensee's acts, omissions, use or accupancy of the License Area.
(c) Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Licensee shall obtain and keep in fulf force Workers' Compensation Insurance providing coverage as required by the California State Workers' Compensation Law and listing the Licensor as an additional insured.
(d) Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance. Licensee shali obtain and keep in full force Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance with limits not less than $500,000 per occurrence for all owned and non-owned vehicles, with the Licensor as an additional insured on the policy.
(e) Insurance Policies. Insurance required herein shall be by companies duly licensed or admitted to transact business in California and maintaining during the policy term a "General Policyholders Rating” of at least B+, V, as set forth in the most current issue of “Best’s Insurance Guide,” or such other rating as may be required by Licensor. Licensee shall not do or permit to be done anything which invalidates the required insurance policies. Licensee shall, prior to use of the License Area, deliver to Licensor certified copies of policies of such insurance or certificates evidencing the existence and amounts of the required insurance, all in accordance with Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein (the ‘Insurance Requirements”). No such policy shall be cancelable or subject to modification except after 30 days prior written notice to Licensor. Licensee shall, at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of such policies, furnish Licensor with evidence of renewals or “insurance binders” evidencing renewal thereof, or Licensor may order such insurance and charge the cost thereof to Licensee, which amount shall be payable by Licensee to Licensor upon demand. Such policies shall be for a term of at least one year, or the length of the remainder of the Term, whichever is less.
(f) Waiver of Subrogation. Without affecting any other rights or remedies, Licensee and Licensor each hereby release and relieve the other, and waive their entire right to recover damages against the other, for loss of or damage to its property arising out of or incident to the perils required to be insured against herein. The effect of such releases and waivers is not limited by the amount of insurance carried or required, or by any deductibles applicable hereto. The parties agree to have their respective property damage insurance carriers waive any right to subrogation that such companies may have against Licensor or Licensee, as the case may be, so long as the insurance is not invalidated thereby.
(g) Indemnification. The Licensor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Authority and its respective commissioners, directors, officers, agents, employees and affiliates hereunder from any loss, cost, damage, claim, demand, suit, fiability, judgment and expense (including reasonable attorneys’ fees actually incurred and other costs of litigation) (“Claims”) arising out of or relating to any injury or death of persons, or damage to or loss of property to the extent resulting from any material breach of this Agreement or the grossly negligent or intentional wrongful acts of the Licensee or its member entities, agents, partners, employees or Third Party Contractors arising or occurring after the date hereof, excluding Claims arising from the active negligence or willful misconduct of the Authority. Licensee’s covenants and obligation contained herein shall survive the expiration or termination of the Term.
Licensee shall, in all acitivities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, comply and cause its Third Party Contractors, agents and employees to comply with all federal, state and local laws, statutes, orders, ordinances, rules, regulations, plans, policies and decrees. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Licensee shall be responsbile for obtaining any and all governmental permits and approvals which may be necessary for it to conduct any activities under this Agreement. Licensor shall coordinate and cooperate with Licensee in Licensee’s activities to obtain all necessary government permits and permissions.
Licensee shall not permit to be placed against the Site, or any part thereof, any design professionals’, mechanics’, materialmen’s, contractors’ or subcontractors' liens with regard to the Licensee’s actions upon the Property. Licensee agrees to hold the Licensor harmless for any loss or expense, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, arising from any such liens which might be filed against the Site.
This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written instrument signed by both parties.
(a) Any notice or payment to be provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be delivered by personal service or by deposit in the United States mail, certified or registered, return receipt requested, with postage prepaid, and addressed to the parties as follows:
Housing Authority of the County of Marin
4020 Civic Center Drive San Rafael, CA 94903
Attn: Executive Director
with a copy to:
Reno & Cavanaugh, PLLC
455 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20001
Attn: Cody Bannon
Burbank Housing Development Corporation
1425 Corporate Center Parkway
Santa Rosa, CA 95047
Attn: Lawrance Florin
(b) Notices and other documents shall be deemed delivered upon receipt by personal service or as of the second (2nd) day after deposit in the United States mail.
(c) The parties to this Agreement may change their notification addresses from time to time upon written notice to one another.
Any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in interpreting this Agreement. This Agreement and the ERN contain the entire agreement between the Authority with respect fo the License and License Area. There are merged herein all prior and collateral representations, promises, and conditions in connection with the subject matter hereof. Any representations, promises or conditions not incorporated herein shall not be binding upon either party.
(a) No waiver of a breach, failure of any condition, or any right or remedy contained in or granted by the provisions of this Agreement shall be effective, unless executed in writing and signed by the party making the waiver.
(b) No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed, or shall constitute, a waiver of any other provision, whether or not similar, nor shall any such waiver constitute a continuing or subsequent waiver of the same provision.
(c) Failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of the right to compel enforcement of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.
This Agreement shall be interpreted under and be governed by the laws of the State of California, except for those provisions relating to choice of law or those provisions preempted by federal law. This Agreement is made, entered into and executed in the County of Marin, California, and any action filed for the interpretation, enforcement or other action with respect to the terms, conditions or covenants referred to herein shall be filed in the applicable court in the County of Marin, California.
Time is of the essence in the performance of every covenant and obligation under this Agreement.
The prevailing party in any action to enforce this Agreement shall not be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs from the other party (including fees and costs in any subsequent action or proceeding to enforce or interpret any judgment entered pursuant to an action on this Agreement). Each party shall bear its own costs and fees.
This Agreement is personal to Licensee and Licensee shall have no right or ability to transfer or assign any rights or interest herein without the prior written consent of Licensor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
If any one or more of the sentences, clauses, paragraphs or sections contained herein is declared invalid, void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall be deemed severable from the remainder of this Agreement and shall not affect, impair or invalidate any of the remaining sentences, clauses, paragraphs or sections contained herein.
The Authority reserves the right to assign, transfer, mortgage or otherwise encumber the License Area. Related agrees upon demand by the Authority, to execute and deliver to the Authority such further instruments subordinating this Agreement, as may be determined required by the Authority, to the interest of any such assignee, transferee, mortgagee or other entity in connection with the Authority’s contemplated transaction.
No member, official or employee of the Authority shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement nor shall any such member, official or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects his or her personal interests or the interests of any corporation, partnership or association in which he, or she is directly or indirectly, interested.
The Licensee warrants that it has not paid or given, and will not pay or give, any third party any money or other consideration for obtaining this License; provided, however, the Authority acknowledges that Licensee has retained legal counsel and consultants in connection with this License, and agrees that such arrangements are not a violation of this Section 20.
No member, official, officer, or employee of the Authority shall be personally liable to the Licensee, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the Authority or for any amount which may become due to the Licensee or to his successor, or on any obligations under the terms of this Agreement.
The provisions of this Agreement are not intended to and do not constitute a dedication for a public use, and the rights created herein are private and for the benefit only of the parties hereto and their successors and assigns as permitted hereunder.
This Agreement may not be recorded in the Official Records of the County of Marin without the express written consent of the Authority which consent may be withheld by the Authority in its sole discretion.
All provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, administrators, executors, successors in interest, transferees, and assigns of each of the parties; provided, however, that this section does not waive the prohibition on assignment of this Agreement by the Licensee.
Should any covenant, condition, or provision herein contained be held to be invalid by final judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such covenant, condition, or provision shall not in any way affect any other covenant, condition, or provision herein contained.
The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the Parties hereto warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the applicable Party.
This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first written above.
By: Kimberly Carroll
Executive Director
Renee Brewer
By: Lawrance Florin
Chief Executive Officer
The land referred to is situated in the unincorporated area of the County of Marin, State of California, and is described as follows:
Beginning at the most Easterly corner of Block 130, as said Block is shown on Sausalito land & Ferry Company Map, recorded April 26, 1869 in Rack 1, Pull 9, Marin County Records, and running thence on Lambert Grid bearings California Coordinate System Zone 3, as determined by California State Highway U.S. 101 Coordinates, on a curve to the left whose center bears North 51° 32' 30" East radius 1050.0 feet, through a central angle of 27° 02’ 30" for a distance of 495.564 feet; thence on a curve to the left whose center bears North 24° 30' East radius 360.0 feet, through a central angle of 44° 45' for a distance of 281.173 feet; thence on a curve to the left whose center bears North 20° 15' West radius 460.0 feet, through a central angle of 52° 55' for a distance of 424.842 feet; thence on a curve to the left whose center bears North 73° 10' West radius 820.0 feet, through a central angle of 26° 05’ for a distance of 373.297 feet; thence on a curve 1o the left whose center bears South 80° 45' West radius 1301. 686 feet through a central angle of 19° 16’ 44" for a distance of 437.991 feet; thence North 70° 35' East 308.687 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of California State Highway No. 101; thence along said Highway line on a curve to the left whose center bears North 48° 43' 14", East radius 349.97 feet, through a central angle of 19° 56' 23" for a distance of 121. 794 feet; thence South 61° 13’ 09" East 132.952 feet; thence along the Westerly line of said Highway right of way on a curve to the right whose center bears South 57° 26' 18" West radius 1919.84 feet, through a central angle of 3° 25' 53" for a distance of 114.98 feet, thence South 00° 52' 1" West 1508.61 feet to a point distant North 00° 52' 11” East 103.0 feet, from monument set at an angle point in said Highway right of way line, having a coordinate of North 503, 841. 890 and East 1, 420, 851.250; thence leaving said right of way line and running South 83° 44' 20" West 1008.751 feet and North 38° 05' West 974.190 feet to the Southeasterly line of said Block 130, hereinabove mentioned, thence along said Southeasterly line, North 51° 32' 30" East 380.0 feet to the point of beginning.
Excepting therefrom: The Parcel of land described in the Deed to the Redevelopment Agency of the County of Marin, recorded April 20, 1994, Series No. 94-034031, Marin County Official Records.
APN: 052-140-22 and 052-140-41
[To be attached]
Marin Housing Authority
4020 Civic Center Drive
San Rafael CA 94903
Phone: (415) 491-2525
Maintenance: (415) 390-2094
Fax: (415) 472-2186
TDD: (800) 735-2929
Marin Housing's Main office lobby hours are Monday through Thursday 10 am to 4:30 pm. All in-person meetings are by appointment only, please email or call 415-491-2525 to schedule an appointment.
All Rights Reserved | Marin Housing Authority