August 14, 2024
To interested parties:
Golden Gate Village was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 2017. It is, therefore, a historic property for the purpose of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106). With the assistance of its qualified consultant, Marin Housing Authority (MHA) has conducted a review of a proposed undertaking at Golden Gate Village to determine its conformance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (Standards) and its effects under Section 106. The undertaking would include the following scope of work:
- Temporary shoring and repairs of a cracked and spalling concrete beam at the high-rise building addressed as 89 Cole; and
- Installation of new fire extinguisher cabinets and fire extinguishers
Overall, the project is project is intended to provide immediate and short-term improvements to fire, life, and safety at Golden Gate Village as more permanent and long-term solutions will be addressed as part of the upcoming revitalization and rehabilitation project at the property.
Pursuant to the criteria for adverse effects, as stated under 36 Code of Federal Regulations Section 800.5(a), we have determined that the proposed undertaking will have no adverse effect on the historic property as the both the proposed repairs and fire extinguisher cabinets will be temporary and reversable, and all repairs associated with the undertaking will comply with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Marin County has concurred with our analysis and findings. Detailed analysis supporting this conclusion is provided in the associated Finding of Effect (FOE) Memorandum on MHA’s website at:‐106‐compliance.
Should you have comments on the proposed undertaking please submit them to Tammy Taylor, Planner with the County of Marin, at . We request your response within 30 days of the posting of this letter.
Kimberly Carrol
Executive Director
Marin Housing Authority