Making Housing More Affordable
Public Housing / Golden Gate Village Revitalization
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This EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is dated May 10, 2024 (the “Effective Date”) and is entered into by and between HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF MARIN, a public body, corporate and politic (the “Authority”) and BURBANK HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation (the “Developer”). The Authority and Developer are sometimes referred to individually herein as a “Party” and together as the “Parties”.
WHEREAS, the Authority owns and operates a 300-unit public housing project (296 dwelling units) in Marin City, California, commonly known as Golden Gate Village, on certain real property more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Site” or “Golden Gate Village”);
WHEREAS, in November 2022, the Authority’s Board of Commissioners (the “Board”) adopted the Golden Gate Village Redevelopment Framework, attached hereto as Exhibit B (the “Redevelopment Framework”), which resulted from significant input from Golden Gate Village residents and community stakeholders, and established the guiding principles, goals and objectives to reposition Golden Gate Village to preserve affordability and rehabilitate and recapitalize the Site using disposition under Section 18 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, as amended (“Section 18”), the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) Rental Assistance Demonstration (“RAD”) program, Section 8 Project-Based Vouchers, tax credits, debt, and other financing sources (the “Project”);
WHEREAS, as provided in the Redevelopment Framework, the purpose of the Project is to preserve Golden Gate Village as affordable rental housing, make necessary capital improvements, and ensure no existing residents will be forced to leave because of the redevelopment;
WHEREAS, in furtherance of the Project, the Authority issued a Request for Qualifications under RFQ # 2023-001 on May 22, 2023 for a co-developer/development partner for the preservation and recapitalization of Golden Gate Village (“RFQ”) and Developer was selected as the initial awardee based on an RFQ proposal submitted August 11, 2023 (the “Developer Proposal”), which selection was approved by the Board on December 12, 2023;
WHEREAS, the Parties desire to enter into this Agreement to implement a predevelopment and planning process to work toward the goal of planning the rehabilitation of the Site as set forth herein and to undertake any environmental analysis necessary under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) and the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) for the purpose of considering the execution of a Master Development Agreement (“MDA”), subject to negotiation between the Parties and approval of the Board;
WHEREAS, in conjunction with this Agreement, the Parties intend to continue the community engagement process undertaken by the Authority, negotiate roles and responsibilities between the Parties and establish a phasing and a development budget and schedule for the Project;
WHEREAS, the Developer acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement in itself does not obligate either Party to acquire or convey any property, does not grant the Developer the right to develop the Site or Project, and does not obligate either Party to any activities or costs to develop the Project, except as contemplated by this Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregaing recitals and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
The Parties hereby agree to negotiate diligently and in good faith toward the execution of a MDA during the Term (as defined in Section 1.3) for the substantial rehabilitation and disposition of the Site for affordable housing, all in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Redevelopment Framework. The Parties shall cooperate in conducting such Project feasibility activities as both Parties deem appropriate. The Authority agrees to use its best efforts to negotiate with HUD to obtain any necessary approvals.
Among the issues to be addressed in the negotiations are the total development costs of the Project, the nature and amount of financial investment in the Project, remediation of any adverse Site conditions, the development schedule for the Project, financing of the Project, marketing and management of the Project, rehabilitation scope of work for the Project, and preliminary design and architectural concepts and resident coordination, related to the Project.
It is anticipated that negotiations and other meetings between the Parties during the Term will take place at the Authority's offices or other locations in Marin County, California (the “County”) or via electronic meeting platforms (e.g. Zoom or Microsoft Teams), and draft documents will be prepared by the Authority or its attorneys and consultants and provided to Developer and its attorneys and consultants for review and comment.
Each Party acknowledges and agrees that the other Party shall be deemed to be acting in good faith so long as it makes reasonable efforts to attend reasonably scheduled meetings, directs its contractors consultants to act expeditiously and in line with the scopes of work, provides information necessary to the negotiations to the other Party, negotiates in good faith, and uses commercially reasonable efforts to promptly review and return with comments, if any, on all correspondence, reports, documents, or agreements received from the other Party that require such comments.
During the Term, the Authority shall not negotiate with any person or entity, other than the Developer or related party approved by the Authority, regarding development of the Project, or solicit or entertain bids or proposals to do so. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Section 1.2 shall prohibit the Authority from interacting with Site residents and neighboring property owners or tenants as may be necessary to provide them with reasonable opportunities to comment on the Project as it evolves. The Authority reserves the right to engage in discussions or negotiations, or to finalize agreements, with any other parties for other projects on any other sites including those that are nearby or adjacent to the Site.
The term of this Agreement commences as of the Effective Date and shall continue for a period of twelve (12) months from the Effective Date (the “Term”) unless sooner terminated pursuant to this Agreement or until a MDA is executed by both Parties. If a MDA has not been executed by the Parties (or by the Authority and a party related to the Developer and approved by the Authority) by the expiration of the Term, then this Agreement shall terminate and neither Party shall have any further rights or obligations under this Agreement, except as set forth in Sections 2.7, and 4.3. However, the Parties may mutually agree to extend the Term for two (2) additional, ninety (90) day periods, subject to the approval of the Authority’s Executive Director with the concurrence of the Authority’s legal counsel (each a, “Term Extension”). The Term may be extended only by written amendment to this Agreement, and no other act or failure to act by the Authority or any of its representatives shall result in an extension of the Term. If the Parties cannot agree upon such an extension, this Agreement shall automatically terminate.
In addition, a Term Extension shall apply automatically if either Party issues a written notice to the other Party stating with specific justification that a Term Extension is reasonably necessary (a) to prepare, circulate, review, revise, re-circulate or certify any documentation issued under CEQA (as defined in section 3.4) in connection with the approval of a MDA and/or the Project (including any new or revised documents necessary as a result of any settlement or judgment in a lawsuit challenging the environmental review for a MDA and/or the Project) and (b) during the pendency of any action or lawsuit challenging any entitements, actions or approvals (including but not limited to environmental review) associated with the MDA and the Project unless both Parties agree not to pursue such defense.
If a MDA is executed by both Parties, then upon such execution this Agreement shall terminate, and all rights and obligations of the Parties shall be as set forth in the executed MDA. This Agreement may also be terminated if the Parties agree in writing that a successful consummation of the negotiations is impossible.
The terms and conditions of the MDA to be negotiated and drafted pursuant to this Agreement shall be guided by the following non-exhaustive requirements and conditions:
(a) The negatiations shall be based on and guided by, and the MDA shall incorporate, the objectives, parameters, development requirements, and terms of the Redevelopment Framework and on further analysis and information revealed during the Term. Preliminary business terms to be included in the MDA are attached hereto as Exhibit C.
(b) The MDA shall be subject to the following construction and postconstruction policies and requirements of the Authority as they are written as of the date the MDA is considered by the Board (unless revisions are required by federal, state or local requirements), copies of which are available for review at the offices of the Authority:
(i) Payment of Davis Bacon in accordance with the Authority policy and applicable federal law;
(i) Equal Opportunity/Non-Discrimination in Employment and Contracting Procedures, Including Utilization of Minority and Women Businesses;
(iii) Section 3 Plan (as hereinafter defined);
(iv) Authority's standard insurance requirements; and
(v) Compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of federal, state, county or municipal governments or agencies now in force or that may be enacted hereafter.
(c) The MDA shall contain a “Scope of Development” setting forth design parameters for the Project, a requirement for the submission of plans to the Authority for approval, and any proposed phasing for the Project. The Scope of Development will include, without limitation, details refated to rehabilitation and replacement of physical improvements to unit and building interiors, building systems, on and off-site work, and building exteriors at the Site. Estimates of construction durations will be included to allow for planning of construction period resident coordination.
(d) The MDA shall contain a “Schedule of Performance” setting forth the respective dates on which the Authority and the Developer are obligated to perform their respective obligations for the Project and each proposed phase of the Project. The Schedule of Performance shall include, without limitation and in no particular order, dates and time periods anticipated for: (i) NEPA and CEQA approvals (to the extent not completed under Section 3.4), (ii) entittements and permits from the County, (iii) property subdivision or line adjustments necessary for phasing, (iv) submittals of construction/rehabilitation plans to the Authority, (v) applications for all necessary financing, including applications to the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAQC), California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC), and California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), {vi) application(s) to HUD for Section 18 disposition and RAD approvals, (vii) the commencement of construction/rehabilitation of the Project and each proposed phase, (viii) completion of construction/rehabilitation of the Project and each proposed phase and (ix) lease-up of the Project and each proposed phase.
(e) The MDA shall include an estimated sources and uses budget and a feasible method of financing the Project and each proposed phase, reasonably demonstrating to the Authority the availability of all funds needed to complete the Project and each proposed phase. The MDA shall require the submittal of documentation of all proposed construction loans and tax credit equity needed to carry out the proposed methods of financing.
(f) The MDA shall contain details of the Authority’s financial assistance which may include, but not be limited to, consideration for land and provision of affordable housing, residential parking, community center, and on-site and off-site improvements. To the extent the Authority provides financial assistance for the Project, the terms of repayment shall be negotiated during the Term and shall be set forth in the MDA.
(g) The MDA shall set forth conditions precedent to the conveyance of a leasehold interest in the land and ownership interest in the buildings to be conveyed by the Authority to the Developer, and to the disbursement of any funds by the Authority or funds to be advanced by the Developer and reimbursed by the Authority, to ensure that the Project will be developed and used as required by the MDA.
(h) The MDA shall prohibit, without written Authority consent, any assignments or transfers by the Developer.
(i) The MDA shall set forth use restrictions relating to the Project, which use restrictions may be set forth in a covenant to be recorded against the Site.
(a) The Parties are committed to minimizing the disruption in the lives of residents of the Site during the redevelopment process. The Developer wilt plan Project efforts accordingly fo achieve this goal. Current Site residents will have the right to remain at and/or the right to return to the Project following rehabilitation, in accordance with and subject to applicable RAD program requirements. Residents will be granted all rights and protections required under Section 18 and the RAD program.
(b) The Parties are committed to creating and maintaining relationships with current Site residents and to providing them with training, information and supportive programs that will allow them access to better social services that will empower them toward self-sufficiency and sustainability.
(c) The Parties are committed to engaging with the current Site residents and giving all residents a voice in the redevelopment process. The Parties will enlist the duly elected Golden Gate Village Resident Council Board (“Resident Council Board”) to aid in their efforts to engage the Site residents’ participation in the Project planning process through establishing, as determined appropriate for the process of engaging Site residents’ participation, community meetings, focus groups, youth meetings, senior-only meetings and similar efforts.
(d) Atthe request of the Authority, the Developer may be required to participate in public community meetings with Authority staff, the Resident Council Board, the Site residents and/or, other community councils or organizations. The Developer will participate in such meetings as reasonably deemed necessary by Developer and the Authority.
(e) The Parties agree to keep each other reasonably informed as to the content of and any outcome associated with their community engagement and interaction with the Resident Council Board, the Site residents and other community councils or organizations.
(f) The resident and community principals of this Section 1.5 will be incorporated in the MDA.
The Authority shall provide Nine Hundred Eleven Thousand Dollars ($911,000.00) (“Authority Funds Commitment”) in the form of a nonrecourse loan (the “Authority Funds”) to fund predevelopment costs to support Developer's and Authority’s efforts to determine project feasibility and to facilitate preparation of the MDA. The Authority Funds can be used for the following eligible activities (“Eligible Costs”): (a) market studies, (b) traffic consultants, (c) financial analysis, (d) site planning, preliminary architectural design, civil and utility design, green consultants, other design consultant fees, (e) community outreach, (f) appraisal costs, (g) entitlement consultants, (h) historic consultants, (i) relocation consultants, (j) cost estimation, (k) Phase | Environmental Assessment, geotechnical study, and existing conditions survey, (I) reimbursable expenses for work related to the above, and (m) any other third party cost associated with predevelopment activities which is shown on ERN Predevelopment Budget attached hereto as Exhibit D (the “ERN Budget”) or otherwise approved by the Authority. The Parties have agreed to the ERN Budget to govern the Eligible Costs associated with analyzing and carrying out certain predevelopment tasks for the rehabilitation of the Site. The Developer and Authority shall have the right to approve (i) any change in the scope of the Eligible Costs, (ii) any reallocation of line item amounts in the ERN Budget greater than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) or (i) any reallocation of excess Authority Funds in any line item of the ERN Budget to the contingency line item and the reallocation of contingency to any other line item.
The Developer shall select all third party consultants and contractors (the “Third Party Contractors”) for the Predevelopment Work (as hereinafter defined) in consultation with and input from the Authority. The Developer shall employ due diligence to ensure that all Third Party Contractors engaged to provide services or supplies under this Agreement shall supply the skill and judgment necessary to perform the required services in accordance with this Agreement. The Developer will not select any Third Party Contractor that is the subject of a limited denial of participation or debarment by HUD or any similar prohibition on conducting business with public agencies in the State of California or other jurisdictions. The Developer shall provide the Authority a list of Third Party Contractors to be paid with Authority Funds for Eligible Costs in the ERN Budget prior to the Developer issuing any such Third Party Contractor(s) a notice to proceed. The Authority shall have five (5) business days to reasonably reject any proposed Third Party Contractor (excluding Third Party Contractors included in the Developer Proposal) by providing the Developer a written statement of reasons for such rejection. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Authority shall have the right to require Developer to terminate or reassign any Third Party Contractor upon evidence of (a) poor or substandard performance or (b) a conflict of interest causing the Authority to violate its obligations under any legal requirements.
The Authority Funds in the amount of the Authority Funds Commitment shall be disbursed to the Developer to fund the Eligible Costs described in Section 2.1 above. The Authority Funds shall be disbursed to Developer, subject to satisfaction of the conditions in Section 2.5, within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Agreement by all Parties. In the event that the Authority Funds Commitment is insufficient to cover all Eligible Costs necessary to carry out the Predevelopment Work and Eligible Costs outlined in Section 2.1, the Authority may, at the Authority’s sole discretion, increase the Authority Funds Commitment for the Project by an amount determined and mutually agreed upon by the Authority and Developer.
Developer shall, within thirty (30) days of the end of each calendar quarter during the Term, provide the Authority with a detailed accounting of Eligible Costs paid by Developer during the prior calendar quarter. At the request of the Authority, Developer shall provide the Authority receipts, invoices, contracts and payment details, in a form satisfactory to the Authority, which support Developer's detailed accounting of Eligible Costs paid by the Developer.
As collateral for the Authority Funds loan, the Developer shall provide the Authority the executed ERN Assignment of Studies, Reports and Work Product (the “Assignment of Work Product”) at the time this Agreement is executed, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit E.
The Authority shall not be obligated to make any disbursements of the Authority Funds unless and until each of the following conditions precedent has been satisfied:
(a) The Developer has delivered to the Authority fully-executed originals of the this Agreement and the Assignment of Work Product.
(b) There exists no Event of Default, as defined in Section 4.5(a) of this Agreement, nor any act, failure, omission or condition that would constitute an Event of Default.
(c) The Developer has provided the Authority a list of Third Party Contractors to be paid as Eligible Costs and the Authority has not rejected any such Third Party Contractors as permitted under Section 2.1.
(d) The Developer has certified that all contracts with Third Party Contractors allow for the assignment of the contract and work product to the Authority.
To the extent the Developer incurs less than the Authority Funds Commitment in Eligible Costs by the end of the Term, the following shall apply:
(a) Ifa MDA has not been entered into, the Developer shall be entitled to retain Authority Funds only in an amount equal to the sum of (1) the amount previously paid to any Third Party Contractor for Eligible Costs and (2) the amount the Developer is contractually obligated to pay to any Third Party Contractors for Eligible Costs, provided the scopes of work for such Third Party Contractors were previously approved by the Authority as part of the ERN Budget as of the end of the Term (not to exceed the Authority Funds Commitment).
(b) If a MDA has been entered into, the balance of the unexpended Authority Funds shall be expended per the terms set forth in the MDA.
If the Developer does not execute a MDA with the Authority, the entire Authority Funds disbursed will be repaid through assignment of the assigned collateral as provided in Section 2.4 and the Assignment of Work Product. In any such event, the Authority’s sole remedy shall be to take assignment of the assigned collateral as described herein.
If performance of this Agreement results in execution of a MDA, the expended Authority Funds shall be treated as a predevelopment loan under the MDA. The predevelopment loan shall bear an agreed upon interest rate from date of disbursement and shall be repaid in full at construction closing of the Project (or on a pro rata basis at the construction closing of each phase), unless the Authority, in its sole and absolute discretion determines to extend the repayment term.
To facilitate negotiation of the MDA, the Parties shall use commercially reasonable efforts to accomplish the respective tasks set forth in the ERN Schedule of Performance attached as Exhibit F to this Agreement (the “ERN Schedule”) in the timeframe set forth therein so as to support negotiation and execution of a mutually acceptable MDA prior to the expiration of the Term. The timeframes set forth in the ERN Schedule are estimates, and the Parties agree that so long as Developer is proceeding in good faith, additional time for completion of one or more steps shall be provided as reasonably agreed by the Parties.
The Developer shall provide the Authority with copies of all final reports, studies, analyses, correspondence, schematic design drawings, and similar documents, prepared or commissioned by the Developer (the “Work Product”) with respect to this Agreement and the Project, upon their finalization. The Authority shall provide the Developer with copies of all reports, studies, analyses, correspondence, and similar documents prepared or commissioned by the Authority with respect to this Agreement and the Project, upon their completion. Nothing in this Section 3.2 obligates the Authority to undertake any studies or analyses. Any document provided to any party pursuant to this Agreement shalt be without warranty.
While desiring to preserve its rights with respect to treatment of certain information on a confidential or proprietary basis, the Developer acknowledges that the Authority will need sufficient, detailed information about the proposed Project to make informed decisions about the content and approval of the MDA and will have reasonable access to such information that is paid for with Authority Funds.
All Work Product submitted to the Authority and prepared by the Developer's Third Party Contractors shall be property of the Developer unless the Parties do not execute the MDA in which case the Autharity shall take assignment of the assigned collateral as described herein in Section 2.4 and 2.7.
All documents submitted to the Authority are “public records” and may be subject to public disclosure.
During the Term, subject to the consent or approval of any owners of property not owned by the Authority, the Developer may conduct such tests, surveys, and other analyses of the Site as the Developer deems necessary to determine the feasibility of the Project, and shall complete such tests, surveys and other analyses as promptly as possible within the Term. For Authority-owned property, the Authority shall provide to Developer, its agents, and its representatives the right to enter onto the Site and to conduct such tests, surveys, and other procedures (the “Tests") in accordance with the terms of a right of entry agreement between the Authority and Developer, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit G. The Developer shall indemnify and hold harmless the Authority from any loss, cost, or damage (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees) arising out of any such entry on the Site by Developer, its agents, or its representatives; provided, however, that such obligations shall not pertain to any preexisting environmental or other conditions discovered by Developer in the course of any Tests permitted under this Agreement, except to the extent of the negligence or willful misconduct of Developer or its Third Party Contractors, agents or representatives with respect to such matters, nor shall Developer have any liability hereunder for damage or injury arising out of the active negligence or willful misconduct of the Authority or its agents or representatives. Developer shall present the Authority with evidence of a general liability insurance policy in an amount of at least two million dollars ($2,000,000), naming the Authority as additional insured. The insurance policy shall cover all liability and property damage arising from the Developer’s, its agents’, or its representatives’ presence on the Site during Tests.
Within the time set forth in the ERN Schedule, the Developer shall prepare and submit to the Authority such final plans, specifications, drawings, and other information for the Project, as specified in Exhibit F, that are reasonably necessary for the Authority to perform the environmental review process required by the CEQA and NEPA for the Project, and to prepare all environmental documentation required by CEQA and NEPA.
During the Term and subject to the Developer providing the necessary information to the Authority, the Authority shall undertake the necessary steps to conduct the required level of environmental review determined by the Authority pursuant to CEQA and NEPA requirements, provided that any steps that the Authority so undertakes (as opposed to necessary information to be provided by the Developer to the Authority) shall be undertaken at the Authority's sole cost. The Authority will coordinate with other departments of the County to conduct the required environmental review.
Developer acknowledges that because the Project will apply under RAD and Section 18, the Project will occur as HUD assisted. Developer will comply with all applicable HUD environmental review requirements, including but not limited to those under 24 CFR Part 58. Until the Project has received the necessary environmental approvals from HUD, and until the Developer receives written confirmation regarding such approvals, Developer will not take any action or otherwise spend any federal or nonfederal funds on the Project that would be considered a “choice-limiting” action under applicable law. The Parties agree activities to be performed by Third Party Consultants and funded as Eligible Costs are solely investigative and, therefore, not “choice limiting” actions.
The Developer acknowledges that the Project may require approvals and entitements from the County. During the Term, the Developer shall submit conceptual site plans and preliminary designs for the Project to the Authority and the appropriate County departments for their informal review, within the time set forth in the ERN Schedule.
Within the time set forth in the ERN Schedule, the Developer shall provide the Authority with a financial proforma analysis for the Project containing matters typically contained in such proformas as agreed upon by the Developer and the Authority, including a detailed development cost budget and a detailed operating income and expense estimate. The financial proforma will be used to evidence the financial feasibility of the Project and to assist in the negotiation of terms regarding the financing of the Project. The proforma shall describe the proposed amount and uses of any financial assistance requested to be provided by the Authority.
Developer may be required to participate in meetings with the Board and agrees to participate in such meetings as reasonably deemed necessary by Developer and the Authority. The Developer acknowledges that certain matters and deliverables under this Agreement must be approved by the Board and will work with the Authority to provide information and deliverables required in accordance with normal Board procedures. The Authority will provide timely advance notice of items needed.
If requested by the Authority, the Developer shall provide written progress reports advising the Authority on studies, Tests and Work Product being made, and matters being evaluated by the Developer with respect to this Agreement and the Project.
The Authority will perform the following roles and responsibilities:
(a) Work with the Developer to develop and complete the appropriate scope of work necessary for the rehabilitation and long-term viability of the Site;
(b) Review and approve Third Party Contractor scopes of work on a timely basis, but in any event no later than five (5) business days after receipt from Developer;
(c) Except for PYATOK Architecture + Urban Design and Hood Design Studio which were included in the Developer Proposal, promptly review any Third Party Contractors submitted by the Developer in accordance with Section 2.1;
(d) Promptly review all Work Product completed by the Developer and its Third Party Contractors;
(e) Coordinate meetings with Site residents, the Resident Council Board, community stakeholders and other governmental entities as necessary;
(f) Coordinate and manage all communications with HUD and submit any required program documents or any other submittals that are required to obtain any HUD approval;
(g) Manage and coordinate all environmental reviews, including all CEQA and NEPA documents and obtain final approvals; and
(h) Negotiate the MDA in good faith with the Developer to enable timely execution of the MDA upon completion of CEQA approval and after receiving Board approval.
Section 3.10 Developer’s Roles and Responsibilities
(a) The Developer will perform the following predevelopment work (the “Predevelopment Work”).
(i) Plan, coordinate and lead the development and construction/rehabilitation planning process to implement the Redevelopment Framework that engages key participants, including current residents, the Resident Council Board, the surrounding community, resident advocates, political stakeholders and others;
(ii) Engage necessary Third Party Contractors as provided in the ERN Budget to carry out the Authority-approved Predevelopment Work, including, but not limited to, PYATOK Architecture + Urban Design and Hood Design Studio;
(iii) Subject to mutual agreement on an increase to the ERN Budget, conduct additional analyses of the Site determined by the Developer and the Authority to be necessary for the execution of the MDA,
(iv) Evaluate historic rehabilitation issues and work with appropriate agencies to identify potential historic site issues;
(v) Prepare the financing plan (funding sources and uses for the Project), which includes: (1) all components of the rehabilitation including infrastructure, construction and permanent financing; (2) attempts to leverage public and private resources by analyzing the following sources: historic tax credits, Affordable Housing Trust Fund financing, Federal Home Loan Bank Affordable Housing Program loans, CDLAC Bond issuance, California Department of Housing and Community Development funding, LIHTC funding, Capital Magnet Fund (CMF) Program and acquisition tax credits (Developer shall satisfy this provision by providing the Authority with information on whether the Project can meet the eligibility and timing requirements of each funding source); (3) negotiate terms of any financial assistance for the Project, including any predevelopment loans, a capitalized permanent loan and any available operating subsidies.
(vi) Develop and propose for Authority approval the Project “Schedule of Performance” described in Section 1.4(d);
(vii) Plan for Resident Council Board, Site residents and community stakeholder meetings;
(viii) Assist the Authority in preparing all documents, if any, required to be submitted to HUD and for any CEQA or NEPA submissions;
(ix) Communicate regularly with the Authority regarding on-going Predevelopment Work regarding the Site, participate in bi-weekly progress cails with the Authority and make continuing full disclosure to the Authority of its proposed plans Project and each proposed phase; and
(x) Negotiate the MDA in goad faith with the Authority to enable timely execution of the MDA upon completion of CEQA approval and after receiving Board approval.
(b) Third Party Contractor Work Product. All third party Work Product prepared by the Developer's Third Party Contractors shall remain the property of the Developer, except as provided in Sections 2.7 and 3.2. The Authority shall have the right to use the Work Product for its internal use including but not limited to reproducing the information in Board reports, annual reports, and Authority publications.
(c) Section 3 Requirements. While not currently contemplated, should any work to be performed under this Agreement by the Developer or its Third Party Contracts, be paid for with federal public housing funds, such work is subject to the Section 3 requirements of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Act of 1968, as amended and its implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 75. In order to realize the goals of and ensure compliance with Section 3, the Authority has adopted a Section 3 and D/WBE Policy (the “Section 3 Plan”) to assist contractors, developers, and service providers in understanding their Section 3 obligations. If required, the Developer shall comply with the Section 3 Plan, including requisite periodic reporting responsibilities.
(a) The Parties acknowledge and agree that nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed a covenant, promise or commitment by either (i) the Authority, or (ii} the Developer to the Authority, to enter into a MDA, partnership agreement or any other agreement on any particular terms or conditions, in furtherance of the Project. The Developer further understands and agrees that the Board and in some cases HUD, retains the ultimate discretion to approve or deny a MDA or other Projectrelated document and that representatives of the Authority authorized to work with the Developer under this Agreement do not have the actual or apparent authority to bind the Authority to any particular course of conduct or approval, including without limitation, execution of a MDA, partnership agreement, other agreements, or providing the Developer with financial or other assistance. Each Party’s execution of this Agreement is merely an agreement to enter into a period of Predevelopment Work for the rehabilitation of the Site which may result in a MDA or other agreement according to the terms hereof, reserving final discretion and approval to the governing authority of each of the Parties hereto.
(b) This Agreement is the complete and total understanding of the Parties with regard to the subject matter hereof. Any changes, modifications or addendums to this this Agreement must be in writing, approved by the Authority, the Board and the Developer, and signed by the Authority and the Developer.
(c) Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to require, or have the effect of requiring, the Authority to take any action which is inconsistent with any applicable law, rule or regulation which governs the Authority’s actions.
(d) The Parties acknowledge that the final form of any proposed MDA or other document may have to contain matters not contemplated by this Agreement, and the provisions hereof are not intended to comprehensively identify all issues or matters which will be included within the terms of a MDA or other rehabilitation agreement.
(a) The Developer shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Authority and its respective commissioners, directors, officers, agents, employees and affiliates hereunder from any loss, cost, damage, claim, demand, suit, liability, judgment and expense (including reasonable attorneys’ fees actually incurred and other costs of litigation) (“Claims”) arising out of or relating to any injury or death of persons, or damage to or loss of property to the extent resulting from any material breach of this Agreement by Developer or the grossly negligent or intentional wrongful acts of the Developer or its member entities, agents, partners and employees arising or occurring after the date hereof, excluding Claims arising from the active negligence or willful misconduct of the Authority. The Authority will be added as additional insured on all Third Party Contractors and consultants’ insurance policies.
(b) The Authority shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Developer and its directors, officers, members, partners, agents, empioyees and affiliates hereunder from any Claims arising out of or relating to any injury or death of persons, or damage to or loss of property to the extent resulting from any material breach of this Agreement or the grossly negligent or intentional wrongful acts by the Authority or its employees arising or occurring after the date hereof, excluding Claims arising from the active negligence or willful misconduct of the Developer.
Except as provided in the ERN Budget, the Developer shall be responsible for all of its internal costs and expenses, including, but not limited, staff time and legal costs, in connection with any activities and negotiations undertaken in connection with this Agreement, and the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, except as specifically provided in Article 2 of this Agreement.
(a) Default. Failure by either Party to negotiate in good faith, as further defined in Section 1.1, shall constitute an event of default hereunder. The non-defaulting Party shall give written notice of a default to the defaulting Party, specifying the nature of the default and the required action to cure the default. If a default remains uncured sixty (60) days after receipt by the defaulting Party of such notice, the non-defaulting Party may exercise the remedies set forth in subsection (b); provided, however, that if the default is not reasonably susceptible to cure within this sixty (60) day period, then, provided that the Party in default shall commence to cure such default upon receipt of such written notice and shall continue to diligently pursue such cure to completion, the cure period shall be extended by the amount of time reasonably necessary to cure such default.
(b) Remedies.
(i) In the event of an uncured default by the Authority, the Developer’s sole remedy shall be to terminate this Agreement, upon which the Developer shall be entitled to retain Authority Funds only in an amount equal to the sum of (1) the amount previously paid to any Third Party Contractor for Eligible Costs and (2) the amount the Developer is contractually obligated to pay to any Third Party Contractors for Eligible Costs, provided the scopes of work for such Third Party Contractors were previously approved by the Authority as part of the ERN Budget as of the date of the termination of this Agreement (not to exceed the Authority Funds Commitment). Following such termination, neither Party shall have any further right, remedy or obfigation under this Agreement, except that the indemnification obligations pursuant to Sections 4.3 shall survive such termination.
(ii) Subject to Section 2.7 above, in the event of an uncured default by the Developer, in each case after providing the Developer with notice and at least sixty (60) days in which to cure such default, the Authority’s sole remedy shall be to terminate this Agreement, upon which the Authority shall be entitled to reimbursement of 100% of the Authority Funds paid to date up to the Authority Funds Commitment in accordance with Section 2.7 above. Following such termination, neither Party shall have any right, remedy or obligation under this Agreement, except that the indemnification obligations pursuant to Section 4.3 shall survive such termination.
(iii) In the event that Developer misappropriates any Authority Funds in the possession or control of Developer, or if Developer commits willful misconduct, gross negligence or an act of fraud or malfeasance against the Authority, after delivery of notice and expiration of all applicable cure periods, the Authority shall be entitied to recover any misappropriated Authority Funds and consequential damages resulting from Developer's actions.
Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, neither Party shall have any liability to the other for damages or otherwise for any default, nor shall either Party have any other claims with respect to performance under this Agreement. Each Party specifically waives and releases any such rights or claims it may otherwise have at law or in equity and expressly waives any rights to consequential damages or specific performance from the other Party under this Agreement.
Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, any failure or delay by either Party in asserting any of its rights or remedies as to any Default shall not operate as a waiver of said Default or of any rights or remedies in connection therewith or of any subsequent Default or any rights or remedies in connection therewith, or deprive such party of its right to institute and maintain any actions or proceedings which it may deem necessary to protect, assert or enforce any such rights or remedies.
During the Term, the Developer shall timely notify the Authority of any change in the ownership of the Developer. During the Term, the Developer shall disclose to the Authority any change in the Developer's financial condition which could reasonably bear upon or affect the decisions of the Authority or the Board in negotiating or approving a partnership agreement, MDA or other document related to the Authority’s potential interest or participation in the Project with the Developer.
Developer hereby cansents to and approves the use by the Authority of images of the Project, its models, plans and other graphical representations of the Project and its various elements (“Project Images”) in connection with marketing, public relations, and special events, websites, presentations, and other uses required by the Authority in connection with the Project through the Term. Such right to use the Project Images shall not be assignable by the Authority to any other party (including, without limitation, any private party) without the prior written consent of Developer. Developer shall obtain any rights and/or consents from any third parties necessary to provide the Project Images use rights to the Authority. In the event that the Parties enter into a MDA, the Authority’s right to use the Project Images shall be as set forth in the MDA.
(a) The Developer shall, at its own cost and expense, procure and maintain the following types of insurance upon the execution of this Agreement:
(i) Statutory Workers' Compensation, as required by the California Labor Code, and listing the Authority as a Certificate holder; and
(ii) Comprehensive General Liability, with limits not less than $2,000,000 with the Authority as an additional insured; and
(iii) Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance with limits not less than $500,000 per occurrence for all owned and non-owned vehicles, with the Authority as an additional insured on the policy; and
(b) All evidence of insurance coverage required to be submitted in accordance with this Agreement shall be delivered to the addressee for the Authority specified in Section 4.15 of this Agreement. The Authority shall make the final determination as to whether the documentation submitted conforms to the requirements of this Agreement.
The Parties acknowledge that while the Authority has discussed the Project with HUD, HUD has not stated the conditions, if any, on which it would approve any approach to be studied pursuant to this Agreement or any aspect of the Authority’s participation in the Project. All terms and conditions stated in this Agreement or any other document regarding the Authority’s participation in the Praject shall be modified as needed to meet all HUD requirements.
The Developer hereby designates Lawrance Florin as the individual authorized to negotiate with the Authority on its behalf. The Authority designates Kimberly Carroll as the individual authorized to negotiate with Developer on its behalf. The Parties may, from time to time, change the individuals authorized to negotiate on their behalf by delivery of written notice to that effect to the other party.
Neither the Autherity nor the Developer shall assign any of their interests or obligations under this Agreement to any other party, without the prior written consent of the other.
Al provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, administrators, executors, successors in interest, transferees, and assigns of each of the Parties; provided, however, that this section does not waive the prohibition on assignment of this Agreement by either Party.
Should any covenant, condition, or provision herein contained be held to be invalid by final judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such covenant, condition, or provision shall not in any way affect any other covenant, condition, or provision herein contained.
Any notices to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing, and all such notices and any other document to be delivered shall be delivered by personal service or by deposit in the United States mail, certified or registered, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and addressed to the party for whom intended as follows:
Housing Authority of the County of Marin
4020 Civic Center Drive San Rafael, CA 94903
Attn: Executive Director
with a copy to:
Reno & Cavanaugh, PLLC
455 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20001
Attn: Cody Bannon
Burbank Housing Development Corporation
1425 Corporate Center Parkway
Santa Rosa, CA 95047
Attn: Lawrance Florin
Either Party may, from time to time, by written notice to the other, designate a different address which shall be substituted for the one above specified. Notices, payments and other documents shall be deemed delivered upon receipt by personal service or upon deposit in the United States mail.
Any amendments or modifications to this Agreement must be in writing, and shall be binding only if executed by both the Authority and the Developer.
This Agreement shall be interpreted under and be governed by the laws of the State of California, except for those provisions relating to choice of law or those provisions preempted by federal law. This Agreement is made, entered into and executed in Marin County, California, and any action filed for the interpretation, enforcement or other action with respect to the terms, conditions or covenants referred to herein shall be filed in the applicable court in Marin County, California.
This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original.
Time is of the essence in the performance of each and every obligation of the Parties under this Agreement.
Each of the Parties hereto agree that this Agreement is the product of joint draftsmanship and negotiation and that should any of the terms be determined by a court, or in any type of quasi-judicial or other proceeding, to be vague, ambiguous and/or unintelligible, that the same sentences, phrases, clauses or other wordage or language of any kind shall not be construed against the drafting party in accordance with California Civil Code Section 1654, and that each such Party to this Agreement waives the effect of such statute.
No member, official or employee of the Authority shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement nor shall any such member, official or employee participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which affects his or her personal interests or the interests of any corporation, partnership or association in which he, or she is directly or indirectly, interested.
The Developer warrants that it has not paid or given, and will not pay or give, any third party any money or other consideration for obtaining this Agreement; provided, however, the Authority acknowledges that Developer has retained legal counsel and consultants in connection with this Agreement, and agrees that such arrangements are not a violation of this Section 4.22.
No member, official, officer, or employee of the Authority shall be personally liable to the Developer, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the Authority or for any amount which may become due to the Developer or to his successor, or on any obligations under the terms of this Agreement.
The prevailing Party in any action to enforce this Agreement shall not be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs from the other Party (including fees and costs in any subsequent action or proceeding to enforce or interpret any judgment entered pursuant to an action on this Agreement). Each party shall bear its own costs and fees.
This Agreement, including alt exhibits and other documents incorporated herein or made applicable by reference, if any, constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings and commitments, whether oral or written.
The following Exhibits are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference:
Exhibit A: Site Description
Exhibit B: Redevelopment Framework
Exhibit C: Preliminary MDA Business Terms
Exhibit D: ERN Predevelopment Budget
Exhibit E: Assignment of Work Product
Exhibit F: ERN Schedule of Performance
Exhibit G: Right of Entry
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Authority and Developer have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly autharized representatives.
By: Kimberly Carroll
Executive Director
Renee Brewer
By: Lawrance Florin
Chief Executive Officer
Marin Housing Authority
4020 Civic Center Drive
San Rafael CA 94903
Phone: (415) 491-2525
Maintenance: (415) 390-2094
Fax: (415) 472-2186
TDD: (800) 735-2929
Marin Housing's Main office lobby hours are Monday through Thursday 10 am to 4:30 pm. All in-person meetings are by appointment only, please email or call 415-491-2525 to schedule an appointment.
All Rights Reserved | Marin Housing Authority
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