Making Housing More Affordable

News & Notices

A row of houses cast a shadow on a brown background.
February 25, 2025
Doing Business with MHA
A large apartment building with a tree in front of it.
February 18, 2025
Attn: Golden Gate Village Residents Attend a community meeting to learn about plans to revitalize and preserve Golden Gate Village. Join us to discuss updates and the next phase to revitalize Golden Gate Village as we work together to achieve the community’s vision and preserve its historic legacy for all residents and future generations. When: Saturday, March 1 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and Tuesday, March 4 from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Where: Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church, 101 Donahue St, Marin City, CA 94965 You will learn about: What work will be completed? When will the work happen? Where will I live during the renovation? What can I do to prepare? Marin Housing Authority and Burbank Housing remain committed to working with the community, sharing information, hearing your feedback and providing the opportunity to share questions and concerns. Contact us at: (707) 324-1943
The logo for the department of housing and urban development
January 30, 2025
On January 27th, President Donald Trump’s budget office ordered all federal agencies to temporarily block disbursement of grants and loans — other than for Social Security, Medicare and other programs providing direct aid to individuals. Although information provided by the Office of Management Budget (OMB) states that funding for rental assistance programs would not be included in the temporary freeze, and HUD provided information that seemed to confirm that the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and Project Based Voucher programs will not be included in the temporary freeze, the OMB memo caused a great deal of uncertainty and confusion. A federal judge has temporarily blocked the order until February 3rd. As of Wednesday January 29th, the White House has rescinded the funding freeze. Rental assistance payments for program participants will not be impacted and will take place as regularly scheduled. 
An aerial view of a residential area surrounded by trees and houses.
January 15, 2025
Now Open: Request for Proposals - GGV Resident Empowerment Fund
A group of people are holding a house in their hands
January 7, 2025
¡EL TALLER Y CERTIFICADO SON GRATIS! FECHA Y HORA: Miércoles y jueves Enero 22 y 23, 2025 De 5:30 pm a 9:00 pm cada noche A través de Zoom PRESENTADO POR: Fair Housing Advocates of Nothern California En colaboración con Marin Housing, Canal Alliance, y diferentes programas para la compra de vivienda en el Área de la Bahía. EL TALLER INCLUYE TEMAS COMO: El procesp de compra y pasos hacia la compra El manejo financiero y del crédito Costos para la compra de una vivienda Préstamos de casa y préstamos abusivos Programas de vivienda a bajo costo y de asistencia para el pago inicial ¡Y mucho más!  Instructores Instructora certificada por HUD y expertos en el campo de préstamos. Certificado de HUD Para obtener un certificado de HUD, los participantes deben cumplilr ciertos requisitos. Taller en Línea El taller es ofrecido por Zoom. Una sesión de ensayo se ofrecerá a aquellos que lo necesiten. REGISTRO: Es necesario registrarse para el seminario con anticipación. Para obtener un certificado de HUD, los participantes deben de asistir a las dos sesiones y Ilenar todos los requisitos (vea la hoja de registro para más información). Los participantes recibirán más instrucciones antes del evento. Para registrares, visite: Para mayor información o necesidades especiales, comuníquese con: .
A row of houses cast a shadow on a brown background.
November 22, 2024
Statement for Website:
A row of houses with a blue sky in the background
October 12, 2024
Affordable Housing Waitlist Opening
A close up of autumn leaves on a tree branch
September 24, 2024
Update From Burbank Housing
The word request for proposal is written on wooden blocks.
July 25, 2024
We invite you to participate in our latest Request for Proposal (RFP) For Public Housing Capital Improvement Project Management Consultant. MHA is seeking a qualified consultant to oversee capital improvement and renovation projects for existing affordable housing properties associated with MHA’s public housing and other owned properties. Key Details of the RFP: RFP Title: RFP For Public Housing Capital Improvement Project Management Consultant RFP No. 2024-RFP (Consultant)-010 Proposal Due Date: Friday, August 9, 2024 11:59pm The RFP documents can be accessed via the following link: Here, you will find all necessary details, including the project's scope, submission guidelines, evaluation criteria, and terms & conditions. Submission Instructions: All proposals must be submitted electronically via the Platform. Please note that the official deadlines, addenda and notices are only available via Clicking on the above link will bring you to the Platform, and there is no charge to sign up. Contact Information: Please submit inquiries/questions via the Opengov Platform by following the link above.
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