Making Housing More Affordable
1. Corrective Action Plan draft discussion with Resident Council.
2. Submit Corrective Action Plan to HUD.
Date: Week of September 6, 2021, September 11, 2021
Notes: Task Complete
1. Meeting with HUD Field Office to discuss Corrective Action Plan and reach agreement.
Date: October 2021
Notes: Task Complete
1. MHA proposes a preferred revitalization option that is rehabilitation only (“Rehabilitation Revitalization Option").
2. MHA to review options to begin immediate maintenance and repairs to address resident concerns.
Dates: January 2022 through June 2022
Notes: The decision to pursue a rehabilitation only plan for GGV was based on a few key factors. The plan from 2020 developed in concert with Michaels after over one year of community listening sessions proposed to rehabilitate all of the existing units at GGV, demolish approximately 16 units/3 buildings, build approximately 150 new affordable units and 20,000 sq ft of new community space. This project in 2020 was estimated to have a total development cost of $387m, would take about two years to start, and would be completed in approximately five phases over several years.
Upon further evaluation, the plan to build new affordable units onsite at GGV was determined not to be preferable. The capital outlay to complete the project exceeded the funds available to MHA or available in the County’s Housing Trust Fund. In contrast, the cost for a GGV rehabilitation project is estimated at approximately $318m and the CEQA/NEPA process is estimated at approximately 12 months. Also, the duration of the project’s design, permitting, and environmental review process would be significantly longer for a project involving new construction than a rehabilitation-only project. In addition, GGV residents’ concerns over displacement and relocation caused significant resistance amongst the resident leadership and the MHA Board of Commissioners.
Lastly, the County is currently updating its Housing Element which plans for housing at all income levels throughout Marin County and will focus on addressing fair housing, patterns of segregation, and affirmatively further fair housing. Through the Housing Element the County is identifying sites outside of GGV that are preferable for new affordable housing. The new affordable housing will be proposed in high resource areas, where there is better access to high-quality jobs, schools, and public transportation, and will serve to transform racially and ethnically to concentrated areas of poverty into areas of opportunity. MHA would like to work with the County to promote and develop housing opportunities in other areas of the County, rather than adding additional extremely-low income families into the concentrated area of GGV.
1. Comply with HUD guidelines and implement strategies to rehouse current tenant families in appropriately sized units based on family size to address overhousing.
a) MHA has established the following strategies for reducing the number of overhoused households, estimated to be 84 currently:
Interims family composition corrections
b) MHA will modify the Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan (“HCV Admin Plan”) by creating a preference for GGV Overhoused residents. This revision to the HCV Admin Plan will be taken to the RAB in March 2022 and will be put out for public comment and taken to the MHA Board for approval at the May 2022 MHA Board meeting.
c) Once the preference has been established MHA will open the HCV Waitlist for this preference. This will allow overhoused households to apply for vouchers if interested. All applicants will be pulled by preference points and lottery when MHA HCV funding allows.
d) MHA is creating a tracking log to monitor the number of households as they become correctly housed. The data will record the destination and/or information regarding the change in status when they have removed them from the overhoused waiting list. This data will be reported to HUD monthly.
e) It is our goal to correctly house 100% of the households before we submit our Section 18 Application, knowing that families can’t be incorrectly housed after Project Based Vouchers are implemented.
f) MHA plans to conduct the following repairs as units become vacant prior to leasing to correctly house current GGV families:
h.) Prior to rehabilitation, MHA will continue to maintain the units at GGV by utilizing operational and capital funding, responding to work orders. In AMP 2 primarily, MHA is reviewing a scope for an energy performance contract (“EPC”) to undertake certain energy performance improvements that will reduce operating costs. Any EPC scope of work for Golden Gate Village will be coordinated with the broader revitalization being planned.
2. Revitalization Working Group (“RWG”)
1. Convene a GGV revitalization RWG made up of a diverse set of local Marin County stakeholders including the GGV Resident Council.
2. The RWG will meet at least two times per month over the next several months to advise and comment on the several items related to the Rehabilitation Revitalization Option.
3. The below topics are related to the overall feasibility and compliance of HUD requirements for approval of a revitalization option for GGV (“HUD Feasibility Criteria”):
a) How to implement strategies proposed to help address the overhoused families at GGV.
b) Rehabilitation scope of work, to include rehabilitation strategies proposed by GGV Resident Council, such as green design features, energy efficiency, sustainable design features, alternative energy, and green jobs training as well as rehabilitation items outlined in the GGV Physical Needs Assessment (develop project description).
c) Project financing scenarios, including historic tax credits.
d) Scenarios and options for temporarily relocating families during renovations.
e) Options for home ownership to build equity, including Limited Equity Cooperative ownership.
Dates: April through December 2023
Notes: As MHA begins to implement strategies to correctly house GGV families we anticipate beginning to transfer 5 families April to July. We currently have 21 vacant units with various bedroom sizes at GGV and at 2 at our AMP 2 properties.
As we turn these first units, we will be implementing minor upgrades that will improve the visual aesthetic appearance of the units and we will allow transferring residents to select accent wall paint and appliance color (as an early incentive). We will display newly turned units on our website and in our leasing office and do an open house for residents to market the minor improvements.
Our project plan is to transfer a total of 25 households in 2022 by either relocating to a correct public housing unit size and/or relocation with a Section 8 voucher.
We will open the HCV waitlist for the newly established preference as of June 2022. If vouchers are available, we will issue 10 vouchers per month for 3 months June through August. Once we have a better idea of how many are interested in a voucher, we can better determine the transfer strategy of those wanting to remain in public housing. This will also allow for additional reduction of overhoused families.
If the number of applicants warrants, we will pull 5 per month in 2023 with a goal of 5 per month.
As an additional plan we will implement a PBV contract preference for GGV residents as FH law allows to help AFFH.
Plan B: If we are not able to accomplish our first goal to decrease the overhoused household number by 30% by January 2023, the MHA BOC will consider a small build in Marin City on or off GGV property. MHA will also consider converting 10-15 two-bedroom units into 1 bedroom ADA units in the high-rise buildings.
1. Submit Overhousing Solutions Workplan.
Date: September 2022
2. After RWG process, MHA staff finalizes the Rehabilitation Revitalization Option and submits to the Board, which chooses the Rehabilitation Revitalization Option as the preferred revitalization option to go into Environmental Review process, including the historic preservation Section 106 review process.
Date: October 2022
3. Submit preapplication to Marin County, specifying any construction improvements, phasing, parking, and any landscape/open space features.
Date: October 2022
4. MHA Board authorizes creation of Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) for developer partner for Rehabilitation Revitalization Option.
Date: October 2022
1. Eliminate any overhousing occurring at GGV before submitting a HUD Section 18 Application.
2. Submit Section 18 Application to HUD.
Date: December 2023 – CEQA/NEPA must be approved prior to submission
Marin Housing Authority
4020 Civic Center Drive
San Rafael CA 94903
Phone: (415) 491-2525
Maintenance: (415) 390-2094
Fax: (415) 472-2186
TDD: (800) 735-2929
Marin Housing's Main office lobby hours are Monday through Thursday 10 am to 4:30 pm. All in-person meetings are by appointment only, please email or call 415-491-2525 to schedule an appointment.
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