Making Housing More Affordable

Golden Gate Village Redevelopment Monthly Report September 2023

October 11, 2023

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Download Golden Gate Village Redevelopment Monthly Report September PDF Document Here


Marin Housing Authority was incorporated in 1942 to serve the County of Marin. MHA is a public corporation created under the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. Under this code, MHA is authorized to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing for low and moderate-income people. MHA is governed by a Board of Commission appointed by the Marin County Board of Supervisors. Currently, the Commission consists of seven members - five members of the Board of Supervisors and two MHA resident participants. Marin Housing operates programs in the incorporated areas of Marin County under Cooperation Agreements with the local towns and cities.

MHA owns and operates 496 public housing units in two properties; 296 at Golden Gate Village and 200 located on five separate sites throughout Marin County. In addition, MHA owns 80 units of affordable housing in 4 properties. MHA also administers approximately 2,400 Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) and an affordable homeownership program.

Golden Gate Village is the largest property owned and operated by MHA. The property includes a total of 300 units in 29 buildings. Of the 300 units, 294 operate as dwelling units, including 44 one-bedroom units, 132 two-bedroom units, 111 three-bedroom units, and 9 four-bedroom units. The site is 29.8 acres.

GGV is income and rent restricted. Incomes at initial occupancy are limited to 80% of the area median, adjusted for household size. Rents are restricted to 30% of the household’s adjusted income.

In 1957, MHA chose Frank Lloyd Wright's protégé, master architect Aaron Green, another noted local architect, John Carl Warnecke, and master landscape architect Lawrence Halprin to design the buildings and grounds of GGV. Construction was completed in 1961. In 2017, GGV was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

In 2022, MHA worked with residents of Golden Gate Village to develop a framework to preserve and recapitalize the property. In November 2022, the MHA Board of Commissioners voted to adopted the GGV Redevelopment Framework and instructed staff to proceed with selecting a developer partner.

Monthly Reports are produced by MHA to provide a snapshot of critical budget and schedule information. This report also contains narrative details on each project's components and a description of the upcoming critical milestones.

MHA is committed to conducting every aspect of this redevelopment effort with the utmost care for the existing residents, respect for the surrounding community, and professionalism, creativity, and quality to ensure a quality-built environment for many years to come. To this end, MHA has created a system of project controls that enable managers of the Golden Gate Village project and the leadership of MHA to receive critical management information regularly. One aspect of this system is the Monthly Report.

As the redevelopment of Golden Gate Village progresses, this Monthly Report will evolve to keep current with important management information.


Satellite Map View of Marin City and Golden Gate Village


In November 2022, MHA’s Board of Commissioners approved a Redevelopment Framework. Included in this plan are a capital strategy and conceptual estimates for costs. MHA anticipates that an update to this financial plan will occur after selecting a developer partner. After choosing a developer partner, the financial plan will be further refined and reported.

Source of Funds Amount

LIHTC Investor Equity


Tax-Exempt Bonds


Conventional Loan: Residential


Other - City/State Existing Debt


Seller Carryback Loan


Local Funds - Marin County HTF


AHP Program


Accrued Interest


City/State Existing Debt


Deferred Developer Fee






Uses of Funds Amount

Land and Building Acquisition


Demolition Costs


Site Work


Hard Costs




Architecture, Engineering, Etc.




Construction Financing


Permanent Financing




Other Soft Costs


Developer Fee







A master plan for GGV will be created after selecting a developer partner and further conversation and input from the GGV residents.

In the short term, MHA is managing the selection of a developer partner following the schedule included below.

Task Start Field 3

RFP Process


Meeting with GGVRC re: RFQ

Thu 4/27/23

Thu 4/27/23

1st Draft of RFQ Circulated

Wed 5/03/23

Wed 5/03/23

GGVRC Review of RFQ

Wed 5/03/23

Mon 5/15/23

Input on RFQ to MHA

Mon 5/15/23

Mon 5/15/23

2nd Draft of RFQ Circulated

Wed 5/17/23

Wed 5/17/23

Publish and Selection

Publish and distribute RFQ

Mon 5/22/23

Mon 5/22/23

Pre-Proposal Conference - wk of

Mon 6/05/23

Fri 6/09/23

Issue 1st Addendum

Fri 6/16/23

Fri 6/16/23

Last Day for Questions

Fri 7/28/23

Fri 7/28/23

Issue 2nd Addendum

Fri 8/04/23

Fri 8/04/23

Proposals due

Fri 8/11/23

Fri 8/11/23

Distribute Proposals/Analysis to Comm

Fri 8/11/23

Fri 8/11/23

1st Mtg Selection Comm (wk of)

Mon 8/21/23

Mon 8/21/23

Interviews (wk of)

Mon 8/14/23

Tue 10/31/23

2nd Mtg Selection Comm (wk of)

Wed 11/01/23

Thu 11/30/23

Recommendation to ED

Fri 12/01/23

Wed 12/13/23

MHA GGV Sub Comm

Wed 12/13/23

Wed 12/13/23

MHA Board Mtg

Mon 1/01/24

Mon 1/29/24

Selection Committee

Draft Selection Committee "Job Description"

Sat 4/01/23

Mon 5/01/23

Send Invitation Letters to the Selection Comm

Mon 5/01/23

Mon 5/01/23

Finalize / Formalize the Selectin Committee

Wed 5/10/23

Wed 5/10/23

Evaluation Committee Training (wk of)

Developer Negotiation

MHA Approves Developer Selection

Mon 1/01/24

Mon 1/29/24

Negotiate DSA btw MHA and Developer

Thu 2/01/24

Sat 3/30/24

MHA GGV Sub Comm - Recommendation of DSA

Mon 4/01/24

Sun 4/28/24

MHA Board Approval of DSA

Mon 4/01/24

Sun 4/28/24

Project Updates

Resident Matters:

Work in Progress:

Creation of a Right Size Housing policy for those residents who under-occupied (aka “over housed”) their unit. MHA to work directly with the impacted residents and the GGV Resident Council to formulate this policy. The policy's goal is to ensure no resident loses their housing because of the redevelopment and have the ability to remain at GGV in the right size unit.

Work Complete:

  • MHA in partnership with Sausalito held a community Health Fair last week for Southern Marin. This was a collaborative event with incredible vendors, service providers, H&HS, music, and fun. Thank you, Commissioner Canson and Supervisor Moulton-Peters, for participating in this great event.
  • MHA is collaborating with the County and community partners in hosting the 2023 Marin City Job and Resource Fair. The event is in-person and virtual 3-7 pm on September 26th near the 100 lot of GGV.

GGV Resident Council:

Work in Progress:

  • Discussions regarding a new MOU between the GGV Resident Council and MHA.
  • Award of contract to GGV Resident Council for Laundry Room Monitors, Block Capitans, and administrative support.
  • Leadership Training for GGV Resident Council and GGV residents at-large is scheduled for December.

Work Complete:

Development Activities:

Work in Progress:

  • Continued management of the RFQ process. Interviews with applicants are scheduled to occur in October. This reflects a delay due to the time needed to 6 of 8 confirm HUD rules and processes. Board approval has been shifted to January to reflect the additional time needed during the evaluation process.
  • Parking lot light upgrade project at GGV through a Federal and County grant. These upgrades will not only provide improved security by increased lighting but will also allow MHA to provide security camera upgrades.
  • EV charging – Assessments for EV charging. Staff are coordinating with MCE and Bay Area Air Quality Management District who are providing technical assistance and funding for the installation and operation of the charging systems.
  • Staff will be working with GGVRC regarding the GGV playground structure upgrades; once the plans have been finalized, the proposed plans will be submitted to our historical consultant and to the County for the historical review determination.
  • Stormwater runoff at GGV – Staff are working with County and State agencies to remedy the current storm water runoff from US HWY 101 onto the GGV hillsides.

Work Complete:


Work in Progress:

  • Working with County Fire Inspection to install fire extinguishers on the exterior of all buildings. 

Work Complete:

  • We hired an On-Call Maintenance worker, Maintenance Technician 1, Program Specialist, and a Program Manager for AMP2.
  • We had 28 vacancies and moved into 13 families at GGV for September; three were previous residents, and ten were formerly homeless.
  • We have 28 families that have signed up for repayment agreements. Staff have called residents about their past-due balances and referred them to rental assistance agencies.
  • We had 25 families applying for rental assistance.
  • We conducted six home inspections for different aspects due to emergencies.
  • We completed six past-due annual recertifications out of 35 outstanding. Staff have been calling residents and knocking on the doors to make contact and complete the certifications.
  • We completed 191 routine work orders.


Work in Progress:

  • Legal: The Legal Services Request for Proposals Evaluation Committee is working on selecting MHA’s legal counsel. The selection should be finalized in the next few days.
  • Developer/Partner: Work of the Evaluation Committee continues. Interviews with applicants are scheduled to occur in October.

Work Complete:

  • Landscaping: The Board approved the three-year GGV “Gardening and Lawn Maintenance” contract with the resident-owned non-profit “Women Helping All People” (WHAP).
  • Historical/106: MHA has retained a new Historical consultant to assist with getting projects approved under the National Register and other Federal requirements.

HUD Matters:

Work in Progress:

  • Continue to work with HUD to communicate progress under the Corrective Action Plan (CAP).
  • Responded to recent PHAS report siting need to improve the occupancy of GGV.

Work Complete:

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