Making Housing More Affordable

Waiting List Opening May 2023 (Now Closed)

April 30, 2023

Waiting List Opening May 2023

We will be opening our Golden Gate Village Public Housing Waiting List to fill 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom units in our family public housing from May 22, 2023 to June 9, 2023.

I. General Information

Marin Housing Authority’s Public Housing consists of AMP1 and AMP2. AMP1 is designated as Family Housing and AMP2 is housing for Senior/Disabled. The sites are as follows:

AMP1 - Family Housing

  • Golden Gate Village, 429 Drake Avenue, Marin City, CA 94965 (296 units)

AMP2 - Senior/Disabled Housing

  • Casa Nova, 35 Carmel Drive, Novato, CA 94945 (40 units)
  • Golden Hinde, 5 Golden Hinde, San Rafael, CA 94903 (40 Units)
  • Venetia Oaks, 263 N. San Pedro Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903 (36 units)
  • Kruger Pines, 47 Knoll Road, Mill Valley, CA 94941 (56 units)
  • Homestead Terrace, 100-140 Linden Lane, Mill Valley, CA 94941 (28 units)

Marin Housing Authority maintains a waiting list for each property, AMP1 and AMP2, of the Public Housing Program.

II. Waiting List Opening May 2023

Marin Housing Authority will be opening the Golden Gate Village Public Housing Waiting List from May 22, 2023 to June 9, 2023 to fill 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom units in our family public housing.  Applications can be received online at or in person at our offices at 429 Drake Ave, Marin City and 4020 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael. The application will also be available to download from the website.

III. Income, Occupancy, and Preferences for Waitlist

Marin Housing Authority follows HUD mandated regulatory requirements regarding maximum income and minimum/maximum occupancy as described below. Marin Housing Authority utilizes a preference system fully described in our Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP).

Income Limits

Marin Housing Authority Public Housing requires that 40% of new applicants be at or below the Extremely Low AMI. Marin County FY 2022 HUD Median Family Income Schedule reflects the following:

Household Size Extremely Low 30% AMI Very Low 50% AMI Low 80% AMI
1 Person $39,150 $65,250 $104,400
2 Persons $44,750 $74,600 $119,300
3 Persons $50,350 $83,900 $134,200
4 Persons $55,900 $93,200 $149,100
5 Persons $60,400 $100,700 $161,050
6 Persons $64,850 $108,150 $173,000
7 Persons $69,350 $115,600 $184,900
8 Persons $73,800 $123,050 $196,850


Household size must be appropriate for the unit. The size of the unit that an applicant qualifies for is dependent on their household size and any verifiable special needs. In general, maximum occupancy is calculated as two people per bedroom, plus one additional person.

Apartment Size Minimum Occupancy Maximum Occupancy
Studio 1 2
One Bedroom 1 3
Two Bedroom 2 5
Three Bedroom 3 7
Four Bedroom 4 9

Preference Points

Marin Housing Authority assigns preference points based on the Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP) of April 2023. A copy is available for review at The following preference points will be applied to applicants for the waitlist. Verification of preferences will be required during processing for occupancy. Please review the ACOP for a complete description of requirements to obtain preference points.

Preference Points
Work/School 8 Points
Homeless 10 Points
Veterans 10 Points
Involuntary Displaced 10 Points
Chronic Homelessness 4 Points
Section 8 Participant 10 Points
Bringing Families Back 15 Points

IV.Fair Housing

To comply with the Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Guidelines, prospective applicants will be recruited in a strategy designed to ensure equal access for all persons in any category protected by federal, state, or local laws governing discrimination. This strategy includes the marketing of any available units by distributing flyers/announcements through numerous local social service agencies and organizations and by placing advertisements in the local newspapers.  All advertising will include the Equal Housing Opportunity logo and the ADA logo.


Outreach: Informational flyers will be distributed throughout Marin County at numerous social service agencies and Bay Area housing authorities.   


Advertising: Advertisements will be posted in local newspapers, including those that target diverse populations within Marin County. Additionally, advertisement in local media will include:


  • Marin Independent Journal
  • San Francisco Chronicle
  • Marin Housing Authority website

The media advertisement will contain the following information:

Marin Housing Authority will be opening the waitlist for Golden Gate Village Public Housing to fill 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom units in our family public housing starting May 22, 2023 until June 9, 2023. Please apply by visiting or in person at our offices at 429 Drake Ave, Marin City (Monday through Thursday from 9 to 4 and Friday from 10 to 3) and at 4020 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael (Monday through Thursday from 10 to 4:30). 

For questions and assistance you may contact (415) 491-2525 or TDD (800) 735-2929 or come to our offices during the hours indicated above. The application will also be available to download from the website at

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