Making Housing More Affordable

Right to Return Letter August 2024

Public Housing / Golden Gate Village Revitalization

August 26, 2024

Dear Golden Gate Village Resident,

You are receiving this letter as written confirmation that, following completion of improvements to your home contemplated as part of the Golden Gate Village revitalization project, you will have the right to return to the home in which you currently live. 

Your right to return to your home is protected by Resolution #11-2022 passed by the MHA Board in November 2022. This resolution ensures that no resident in good-standing will be permanently, involuntarily moved from their home as a result of the revitalization of Golden Gate Village. Your right will be further protected when MHA submits a Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Golden Gate Village. 

Under the RAD regulations, residents temporarily relocated as a result of revitalization are required to be granted the right to return to their unit once construction is complete. MHA intends to submit a RAD application immediately following its October 8th board meeting. Upon filing of the RAD application, your right to return to your unit will be guaranteed by both HUD and MHA.

As part of the RAD process, the occupancy requirements will change to Section 8 standards. This change often results in ‘right-sizing’; a process that matches household and unit sizes. There are exceptions that may be granted, based on personal circumstances (for example a child moving out, divorce, loss of a loved one, relocation due to job transfer, housing foster children, live-in aids, etc.), to allow households to remain in their unit. Exceptions will not be needed until the property converts to Section 8, which will not occur for several years.

MHA will follow the process set forth in its Administrative Plan to grant exceptions and make every effort to help each household remain and/or come into good-standing and qualify for an exception. Households must qualify for an exception, documented in writing, for an exception to be granted. If a household does not seek an exception or if MHA is unable to grant the exception, under HUD regulations, that household will stay in their unit until a ‘right-sized’ unit becomes available at which time they will be required to move. Those households who have lived at Golden Gate Village the longest will move last.

MHA will host two meetings to share additional information about the RAD program and your right to return to Golden Gate Village. You will also receive notices that provide additional information about resident rights under the RAD program. We hope this information helps to clarify your right to return, please contact the Resident Council or MHA for additional information. 


Dennis Rodoni

MHA Board President

DocuSigned by:

Kimberly Carroll

MHA Executive Director

Download Right to Return Letter August 2024 PDF Here
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