Date: August 28, 2024
Time: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Place of Meeting: Zoom
Michael Harris
Royce McLemore
June Farmer
Kevin Gladstone
Tanya Rouin
Mark Galperin
Lynnette Frary
Thos Chapman
Regina Talton
Next meeting: September 25, 2024
Regular Meeting: August 28, 2024
Location: Zoom
Members: Michael Harris (Chair), Royce McLemore, Mark Galperin, Thos Chapman, Regina Talton, Tanya Rouin, Kevin Gladstone, Sharon Hayes, Lynnette Frary
Guests: MHA Staff – Kathleen Wyatt (Director, Housing Operations), , Yashica SimpsonFranklin (PH Property Manager, AMP2), Antoinette Terrell (AT) (Director, Asset Management), Samantha Guzowski (Director, Supportive Housing and Services) and Ronald Davis Jr. (temporary GGV Property Manager)
Mr. Harris brought the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m.
Attendance was taken, and introductions made.
1. Minutes: Motion by Royce McLemore to approve. Seconded by Kevin Gladstone. All approved July 24, 2024 minutes.
2. Discussion on the following items took place.
Capital Fund Budget: AT emailed the Capital Fund Budget for 2025 and the Five -Year Action Plan to all RAB members then presented them at the meeting. She talked about the asphalt work and screens planned for GGV. The property managers will oversee maintenance. She explained that the $,670,989 in funds from HUD will not cover all needs identified in the Physical Needs Assessment so MHA will be prioritizing safety items, then performance and integrity.
No capital projects were done in AMP2 except the trip hazards on the sidewalks. MHA will be looking at the plumbing, facades and windows in AMP2. Royce McLemore mentioned the need for interior painting. Michael Harris asked about appliance replacement. The PG&E program for inspecting appliances and providing new ones was discussed. AT will look into it.
AT further explained that she needs help in GGV so will use consulting funds for a Project Coordinator. MHA also added $180,000 to the budget for the screens and amended the 5-year plan.
Homeownership: Royce McLemore had requested information on the demographics of the BMR program. That information was emailed to members but was not discussed. A brief overview of the differences between the BMR program and the HCV Homeownership program was discussed. Samantha Guzowski will provide demographics for the HCV Homeownership program.
3. Unfinished Business
Letterhead: Thos Chapman provided letterhead logo samples. The members discussed the options and agreed on one with some changes.
Annual Plan update: Royce McLemore provided the RAB Comments to the Annual Plan Update before the meeting. Members were encouraged to send any further comments to Kathleen Wyatt who is compiling them for the official submission to HUD, with MHA responses.
4. Resident Council Update:
Ms. McLemore reported that the Block Captain and Laundry Room programs are doing well. Commented on the new Property Manager. Stated that Sharon Hayes is committed to helping.
5. Special Orders: There were no further reports or special orders.
6. New Business: The members want to discuss the work Nan McKay is still doing after the company’s recent negative business rating. Mark Galperin announced that he is running for San Rafael District 4 City Council. The members agreed that should be separate from RAB business. Royce McLemore raised the subject of recruitment at the AMP2 properties and members discussed ways this can be accomplished.
7. Next Meeting: September 25, 2024
8. Adjournment: The Chair concluded the Meeting at 5:06 p.m.
Certification: Kathleen Wyatt
Date: September 5, 2024
Marin Housing Authority
4020 Civic Center Drive
San Rafael CA 94903
Phone: (415) 491-2525
Maintenance: (415) 390-2094
Fax: (415) 472-2186
TDD: (800) 735-2929
Marin Housing's Main office lobby hours are Monday through Thursday 10 am to 4:30 pm. All in-person meetings are by appointment only, please email or call 415-491-2525 to schedule an appointment.
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