Making Housing More Affordable

Resident Advisory Board

Agenda & Minutes

April 24, 2024

Meeting Date & Time

Date: April 24, 2024

Time: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Place of Meeting: Zoom

Board Members:

Michael Harris

Royce McLemore

Sharon Hayes

Kevin Gladstone

Tanya Rouin

Mark Galperin

Lynnette Frary

Thos Chapman

Regina Talton


  •  Call to Order – Attendance - Opening
  • Approve Minutes: March 27, 2024
  • Matters for Discussion
  • Recruitment letters
  • Zoom account for RAB
  • letterhead
  •  Unfinished Business
  •  Proposed Bylaws – updates
  • RC Updates
  • Meeting close 
  • Items for next meeting agenda


Next meeting: May 22, 2024

Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting: April 24, 2024

Location: Zoom

In Attendance:

Members: Michael Harris (Chair), Royce McLemore, Kevin Gladstone, Mark Galperin, , Lynnette Frary

Guests: MHA Staff – Kathleen Wyatt (Director, Housing Operations), Susanne Joyce (Program Manager, HCV Program), Yashica Simpson-Franklin (PH Program Manager, GGV), Antoinette Terrell (Director, Asset Management), Tanya Henderson (PH Program Manager, AMP2)


Absent: Thos Chapman, Regina Talton, Tanya Rouin (all excused) and Sharon Hayes (unexplained)


Mr. Harris brought the meeting to order at 3:44 p.m.


Attendance was taken, and introductions made.

1. Minutes:  Motion by Mark Galperin to approve (once there was a quorum). Seconded by Lynnette Frary. Kevin Gladstone abstained because he hadn’t read them yet. All others approved.


2. Discussion on the following items took place.

  • Recruitment: The members accepted both PH and Section 8 recruitment letters for now. Kathleen Wyatt sent the PH flyer to Tanya Henderson to get it to all AMP2 residents with the newsletter. Tanya and Debbie Baldo will discuss recruitment at their community meetings in May at the complexes. Kathleen Wyatt will get email blasts out to Section 8 participants also.

  • Zoom account: Lynnette Frary provided information on possible Zoom accounts for the RAB. However, Michael Harris already has a Zoom account that he pays for that he is willing to share with the RAB when MHA staff isn’t in attendance to use the MHA account. He will provide the information to Lynnette so that she can use it to set up meetings.

  • Letterhead: This topic was deferred since Thos Chapman was not at the meeting and no one had given him samples to work with yet.

3. Unfinished Business


Proposed Bylaws: Mr. Galperin had provided a link to a Google document on which RAB members could add their comments to the draft bylaws but received only a couple of comments. He suggested the bylaws be accepted as written. Michael Harris made the motion to accept them and suggested members can amend them later if needed. Royce McLemore seconded the motion. All accepted.



Royce McLemore mentioned that the RAB needs to be kept informed of the switch from PH to PBV in GGV with Burbank now involved. She wants the information as things happen with ample time to review and discuss before the action has been taken. Kathleen Wyatt agreed to get information from Kimberly Carroll and Adrian Chorley and have it sent to the RAB, but also reminded the RAB that they get the information ahead of time as part of the Annual Plan process. Reports will be made each month on the status at RAB meetings.

4. Resident Council Update: Ms. McLemore reported that the RC talked with Burbank and felt that Burbank understood that the RC is the voice for GGV, instead of the committee Kimberly Carroll had suggested. She also reported that the RC elections will be held in May. She and Yashica Simpson-Franklin walked the GGV grounds and found several issues that will be addressed, such as a water leak, abandoned vehicles, fence issues. Felicia Gaston will have a clean-up event on Saturday April 27.

5. Special Orders: There were no further reports or special orders.


6. New Business: AT mentioned that she is getting bids from laundry room vendors for all PH properties. Ms. McLemore asked if there had been any improvement in revenues – AT will look into it – because she wonders about the RC being paid to monitor the laundry rooms. She wants to discuss this issue with the RAB before a contract is signed.  


It was discussed that former RAB member Margaret Nolan would like to sit in on meetings as a non-participating Section 8 resident, just to listen. Most members felt that would be ok and she will be invited to the May meeting.


7. Next Meeting: Items for discussion at the next meeting will include the Recruitment status, HOTMA discretionary policies, laundry room contract, and a status report on Burbank


8. Adjournment:

With no further business before the Board, the Chair concluded the Meeting at 5:04 p.m.


Certification: Kathleen Wyatt

Date: April 26, 2024

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