Date: March 22, 2023
Time: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Place of Meeting: Zoom
Michael Harris
Margaret Nolan
Royce McLemore
Kevin Gladstone
Tanya Rouin
Regina Talton
Mia Cooper
Adjourn: Next meeting: April 26, 2023
Michael Harris called the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m.
Michael Harris, Margaret Nolan, Royce Mclemore, Tania Santos da Silva, Kevin Gladstone.
Regina Talbot (excused) Mia Cooper (no notice/not excused) MHA Staff: Kathleen Wyatt, Susanne Joyce, Adrian Chorley. Margaret Nolan read the Minutes of February, 2023 RAB Meeting.
MHA staff Kathleen Wyatt reported that the RAB Proposed Schedule includes details of dates to review Agency Policy Update 2024. Kathleen stated the board should review the Agency Plan Update of 2023 as a starting point to begin making comments and recommendations. MHA cannot draft the 2024 Agency Plan at this time because the reporting period to receive all updates from staff is the end of May. MHA will put the Updated Agency Plan 2024 out for Public Comment in July, 2023.
Announcements regarding Open Waiting Lists go to Marin County Social Service agencies; Community Alliance, Women Helping All People, etc. Notice of Open Wait List will be submitted to the Marin Independent Journal newspaper.
Royce asked if there will be a waitlist for Section 8 and Project Based units. Susanne answered in the affirmative.
Susanne reported that there are two proposed Project Based programs located in San Rafael; a 66 senior unit property and another property located in Greenbrae of 44 SRO’s.
Kathleen Wyatt said the members need to be prepared to begin to discuss the 2024 Update Agency Plan and make comments with recommendations at the April meeting.
Kathleen reported that Housing Survey was mailed out to Section 8 and Public Housing residents. MHA received 248 responses. Only 4% of residents had their rent held back due to maintenance issues. The main complaint was that residents had difficulty getting answers to questions by Nan Mc Kay and MHA. Kathleen reported that MHA is hiring more staff and a housing eligibility worker in order for residents to be able to talk with someone at the MHA offices. There is a new hire for Assistant Property Manager Public Housing.
Kevin asked if mental illness was included as a disability and given preference on waiting lists. Kathleen stated all disabilities were included and there was no distinction made between physical/mental disability. All waiting lists; Golden Gate Village, Public Housing, Section 8 and Project Based units will include preferences elderly, family, and disabled.
Royce reported that the judge in the GGV lawsuit asked for a survey of status of the GGV units. Royce stated that the RC was gathering information. There will be a court date related to the lawsuit on April12th
Royce reported she was contacted about residents who were experiencing intimidation by the Public Housing Property Manager. Michael Harris wants to contact to discuss this matter with Executive Director, Kimberly Carroll in a private meeting.
Kathleen Wyatt informed the board that she is no longer supervising the Public Housing Property Manager. MHA has hired a new employee with property management experience to oversee the Property Manager/Department.
Royce said there are four seats are up for Resident Council in May. The process has been streamlined and people can nominate themselves and she hopes they get residents who are interested. Royce reported on a series of concerns related to the Resident Council and that she believes that Kimberly Carroll is in violation of the GGV Resident Council “Memo of Understanding”.
Kathleen Wyatt reported that four people have submitted their applications for RAB from AMP II properties. Michael Harris told the board that he will hold a zoom meeting with each individual and then conduct in person meetings.
Margaret reminded the board that at the February meeting Michael Cutchin was asked to provide a full report on the results of the REAC inspections for all the AMP II properties that were done in December, 2022. Michael Harris asked
Kathleen Wyatt to schedule Mike Cutchin for the April meeting.
Tania requested that MHA reach out to the resident that was having difficulty with filling out forms. Kathleen will review the matter to resolve.
Kathleen Wyatt requested that by the next meeting members should have reviewed the 2023 Agency Plan and be prepared to offer comments.
Margaret asked about the plan to have someone provide training to the board on Robert’s Rules. Michael has a contact that may be willing to provide the training.
Meeting Adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
(See Action Items for April Meeting Attached)
Respectively submitted,
Margaret Nolan
March 28, 2023
RAB MEMBERS: PROVIDE COMMENTS based on 2023 Agency Plan that will go into the 2024 Agency Plan.
Please download the Agenda and Meetings below. We have made an attempt to make the documents below accessible, but please contact us here if you have a hard time accessing these documents. Contact us here
Marin Housing Authority
4020 Civic Center Drive
San Rafael CA 94903
Phone: (415) 491-2525
Maintenance: (415) 390-2094
Fax: (415) 472-2186
TDD: (800) 735-2929
Marin Housing's Main office lobby hours are Monday through Thursday 10 am to 4:30 pm. All in-person meetings are by appointment only, please email or call 415-491-2525 to schedule an appointment.
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