Making Housing More Affordable

Preferences for Public Housing 45-Day Public Review and Comment Period

February 28, 2023

The Marin Housing Authority announces the 45-day public review and comment period relating to proposed changes to the Preferences for Public Housing for our Golden Gate Village waiting list.

The comment period runs from March 1, 2023, through April 15, 2023. If you want to submit written comments to be considered by the Housing Authority Board, please e-mail them to or mail to by April 15, 2023:

Marin Housing Authority

Attention: Kathleen Wyatt

4020 Civic Center Drive

San Rafael, CA 94903

The proposed changes to the Preferences for Public Housing are available for review and inspection by the public below and in person during normal business hours at the Housing Authority's two offices: 4020 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA; and 429 Drake Ave., Marin City, CA.

The Public Hearing will be held on April 18, 2023, at a meeting of the Marin Housing Authority Board of Commissioners, Marin County Civic Center, 3501 Civic Center Dr., Room 330, San Rafael, CA, scheduled to begin at 1:30pm or via Zoom. Running 3/1/2023, 3/8/2023, 3/15/2023

Preferences for Public Housing (24 CFR 960.206)

MHA will offer the following preferences for the Public Housing Program. Preferences will be verified at the time of full application ( determination of eligibility) and any change in preference status may change the applicant family's total score and may change their position on the waiting list. 

Working/School Preference Families whose head, co-head, spouse, or sole member is employed and has been employed for at least 6 months at an average of at least 20 hours per week at the time of determination of eligibility. This preference is also extended to families whose head, co­head, spouse, or sole member is currently a student enrolled in a school program designed to prepare enrollees for the job market or a student who is attending a school or training program full time (the equivalent of 12 units or more). This preference is automatically extended to elderly families or a family whose head or spouse is receiving income based on their permanent disability. [8 Points] 

Homeless Preference The homeless preference applies to applicants who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence, have a primary nighttime residence that is a supervised public or private shelter providing temporary accommodations, or a public or private place not ordinarily used as an accommodation for human beings (lacks indoor plumbing, toilet facilities, bathing facilities, adequate or safe electrical service, heat, or kitchen). In order to qualify for this preference, the applicant must be referred through the Marin Coordinated Entry Program who will provide confirmation of homeless status. [10 Points] 

Veteran Preference Any citizen of the United States who served in the active military, naval, or air service of the United States who received an honorable discharge or was released from active duty under honorable conditions. This preference applies to veterans and the surviving spouses of veterans. [10 Points] 

Involuntarily Displaced Families who, within 6 months of the determination of final eligibility, are displaced through no fault of their own for one or more of the following reasons. Families will receive credit for this preference only once, regardless of whether or not they qualify under more than one of the instances below. [10 Points]

- Natural Disaster Families that are displaced as a result of a federally declared natural disaster that extensively damaged or destroyed their dwelling

- Governmental Action Families that are displaced as a result of governmental action or that reside in dilapidated housing that is cited by local government officials or a local code enforcement agency. This preference applies to housing that does not provide safe, adequate shelter, has one or more critical defects or a combination of defects requiring considerable repair or endangers the health, safety, and well-being of the family or has been declared unfit for habitation.

- Victims of Domestic Violence Families where the head or spouse is the victim of domestic violence. This preference must be documented by a referral from a social service agency, restraining order, proof of residency in a domestic violence shelter, or other similar means.

- Hate Crime Families who are displaced due to a family member being the victim of one or more hate crimes and the family has vacated the unit because of the crime. Documentation of a hate crime includes a police report clearly indicating the nature of the crime or referral from local law enforcement.

Chronic Homelessness MHA has set aside units targeted for individuals and/or families experiencing homelessness. In order to receive this preference, applicants must be referred by the County of Marin Health and Human Services, hereinafter referred to as "HHS" designated Coordinated Entry (CE) Provider who has adopted a Housing First model of homeless services. An MOU between MHA and the HHS Provider will be required to provide documentation of the applicant's chronic homeless status for consideration for these preference points. A copy of the current MOU is available upon request. This preference is available even when the waiting list is closed to other applicants. MHA has set aside a maximum of five units per year for this preference for applicants who are experiencing chronic homelessness and this preference is only for those designated units. All other eligibility requirements remain applicable to applicants receiving this preference. [ 4 Points] 

Section 8 Participant Families who were terminated by MHA from MHA Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program solely due to the lack of funding for their assistance. [ 10 Points]

Bringing Families Back Preference: Former residents of Golden Gate Village (GGV) who were previously on a lease, as verified by MHA records or GGV Resident Council board members, who want to move back to GGV. [15 Points] 

At pre-application, the family will be placed on the waiting list based upon their total preference points, thereafter, ordered by computerized random lottery. Prior to adding preapplications to the waiting list, MHA may perform a computerized randomized lottery to manage waitlist length. Preferences will be verified at the time of full application (determination of eligibility) and families must meet the eligibility requirements at that time. 

Applicants are responsible for updating any information and reporting any changes to their mailing address, contact information, preferences, income, and family composition. Applicants are advised that the failure to update information may dramatically affect their position on the waiting list and full eligibility is determined from the full application. 

In the event of a declared natural disaster in or around the service area, MHA may, at its discretion, provide preference to those families displaced as a result of natural disaster and will house evacuees as priority overcurrent applicants on the waiting list. Disaster-affected families that were currently residing in public housing prior to the disaster will be first offered a unit in public housing, if available. 

In the event the waiting list is closed at the time of the disaster, eligible disaster victims may be added to the waiting list and placed in the top priority without further advertisement or general opening of the waiting list. The addition of these victims is at the sole discretion of MHA. 

Download Preferences for Public Housing (24 CFR 960.206) PDF Document
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