Making Housing More Affordable

Golden Gate Village Newsletter, February 2023

February 16, 2023

February 2023

The Empowerment Clubhouse Invites YOU to Join Our Culinary Program

Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Empowerment Kitchen (441 Drake Avenue, Marin City). You can contact the CDC today for a lifetime membership!

The Empowerment Clubhouse is a program supported by the County of Marin Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) using Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Funding.

Learn more by visiting Marin City Community Development Corporation Est. 1979

A wooden spoon , measuring cup , and whisk on a wooden table.

Sealed With a Kiss

Introduced in 1907, Hershey’s Kisses are now one of the most popular candies purchased for Valentine’s Day. To meet Cupid’s demands, it’s estimated that more than 750 million of the little chocolate drops are produced for the holiday.

We’re Hiring

MHA Is Hiring

In alignment with the Board of Commissioners approving the resolution for the Revitalization Project, MHA is hiring a Director of Resident Services and Services Coordinator to enhance the programs and services offered to GGV residents. We are also looking for two more Community Connectors. If you are interested or know anyone, please see the postings on our website at

New Lights Coming to Golden Gate Village!

A pole with two banners on it that say marin city sports

This year, we are excited to share that more than 500 exterior lights in Golden Gate Village will be replaced with newer and more efficient models.

The new lights will be energy efficient LED fixtures, and they will replace older versions in parking lots, pathways and other outdoor structures in Golden Gate Village. Many of the current lighting systems in Golden Gate Village date back to the community’s founding in the 1960s.

Not only will the new lights increase safety for residents walking to and from parking lots, they will also reduce carbon emissions. Because the lights will be more efficient, the Marin Housing Authority will realize significant cost savings in electricity costs—savings that will then be reinvested into the community through other maintenance improvement projects.

Work on the light replacement project will begin in the spring and is expected to be completed by the fall. The lighting upgrades will be fully compatible with the long-term improvements slated for the community through the Golden Gate Village Revitalization Project.

The total cost of the lighting upgrades will be $1.3 million, with half of the funding coming from Marin County and the other half coming from the federal government, thanks to the advocacy of United States Congressman Jared Huffman.

MHA Launching App

MHA is launching a phone app to serve our public housing residents. We believe this app, hosted by LetsAllDoGood, is a major opportunity for residents and something we want to encourage you to install on your phone. This is solely for MHA served clients and data will not be shared. One of its immediate benefits after signing up will be for you to receive immediate notifications to your cell phone about activities that will affect you, such as emergency alerts about property conditions created by weather, reminders about scheduled maintenance, and updates on ongoing repairs.

Maintenance Update

A pair of gloves holding a paint brush on a table with tools.

Starting in April, we will begin quarterly inspections of every unit that we manage. We will give everyone ample notice of these inspections and do our best to accommodate schedules.

We know that it can be disruptive to have people in your apartment, but home inspections are necessary. We hope you understand that MHA needs to get inside all units periodically to make sure that they are safe and habitable. We are fortunate to serve such a great community and look forward to continuing working together on the maintenance issues in GGV.

Follow Us!

The Marin Housing Authority is on social media. Please follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for the latest news and regular updates about what’s going on at Golden Gate Village.

Resident Council Corner

We have new offices at 101 Drake Avenue! Resident Council meetings are held via Zoom on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:00 p.m. The Zoom link is: 480 952 3709

Golden Gate Village Comes Together to Celebrate the Holidays

Dozens of community members came out to enjoy the festivities at the Marin Housing Authority and Golden Gate Village Resident Council’s Holiday Party on Tuesday, December 20!

Black History Month

In an effort to pass truth down through our nation’s generations, late American historian Dr. Carter G. Woodson worked diligently to establish Black History Week. First celebrated on Feb. 12, 1926, Black History Week was expanded into Black History Month 50 years later.

Woodson believed in the need to celebrate the achievements of African-American men and women. As early as 1920, he urged Black civic organizations to promote this knowledge. In 1926, Woodson’s organization, the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, announced Negro History Week and received an overwhelming response. Black history clubs emerged, teachers requested materials and scholars stepped forward to endorse the week.

For the original seven-day celebration, Woodson selected the week in February that includes the anniversaries of the death of abolitionist Frederick Douglass and the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Symbolically, this period reflected Woodson’s belief that African-American history was American history.

With the civil rights movement of the 1960s, the demand grew for more than a week to study Black history. The weeklong celebration expanded to a month in 1976. Since its first celebration, all American presidents have issued Black History Month proclamations.

Empowerment Clubhouse Presents: Cooking With EC Chefs

Join the CDC for a virtual class every Tuesday from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Learn new cooking basics, explore new recipes, and get ready to have fun! Members only - use Zoom link for daily work ordered days. To learn more, check out Empowerment Clubhouse, 441 Drake Avenue, Marin City

Reminder: Developer Request for Qualifications Review Committee

An aerial view of a residential area surrounded by trees and buildings.

MHA will soon begin the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process for selecting a developer to lead the Golden Gate Village Revitalization Project. A committee will be formed to help MHA in selecting a developer partner by reviewing responses and making a recommendation to the MHA Executive Director. Residents have a say in the future of Golden Gate Village and are an important part of this endeavor.

The committee will be composed of Golden Gate Village residents, affordable housing experts and staff of the Marin Housing Authority. MHA’s Executive Director Kimberly Carroll has begun meetings to gather information to help put the group together.

The group will begin meeting in February. A final recommendation to the MHA Board is expected in late spring.

Brain Bender

Poetic Pairs

Each answer to the following clues is a two-word phrase that rhymes. For example: A sleepy winter ride = sled bed. How many can you solve?

  1. A chameleon caught in a snowstorm
  2. Game pieces in the freezer
  3. William is shivering
  4. Superior knitwear
  5. The value of an icicle
  6. Beautiful evergreen
  7. How cats keep their paws warm
  8. Frozen assets
  9. A cozy caterpillar
  10. Rethinking your January goals

(Answers: 1. blizzard lizard; 2. ice dice; 3. chilly Billy; 4. better sweater; 5. frost cost; 6. fine pine; 7. kittens’ mittens; 8. cold gold; 9. snug bug; 10. resolution revolution)

A calendar for february 2023 has a cupcake on it

Storm Management Update

As we all know, this has been an unusually stormy winter. MHA has been working around the clock to meet the needs of the community as it deals with these difficult conditions.

During the storms, MHA maintenance workers unclogged storm drains, removed downed trees and diverted water away from structures. They also directed residents to resources and services provided by the City and County, including sandbag deliveries, all in an effort to minimize the impact of the weather.

Residents are reminded to report any issues by calling the Maintenance Hotline at 415-390-2094 or emailing Here are some tips to help you stay safe during the storms:

  • Keep a flashlight easily accessible and make sure the batteries are charged.
  • Charge a back-up battery for your phone or mobile device.
  • Plan ahead for medications that require refrigeration or devices that need power.
  • Stay away from flooded areas and downed power lines, whether in a car or on foot.
  • Never drive or walk into flood waters, mud, or debris, and never go around barricades. It is impossible to know how deep the water or mud is just by looking at it and the depth can change quickly.
  • Do not touch electrical equipment if you’re wet or standing in water.
  • Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible. (Refrigerators will typically keep food cold for about four hours and a full freezer will keep its temperature for about 48 hours as long as the freezer and refrigerator doors are kept closed.) Consider keeping coolers with ice available to keep food cold and safe.
  • Have an emergency plan and a disaster kit ready to go and don’t forget to plan for your pets. For more information,
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