Making Housing More Affordable
Public Housing Program Approved Plans
May 17, 2011
Board of Commissioners
Marin Housing Authority
Marin Civic Center
San Rafael, CA 94903
SUBJECT: Approval of Policy for Hazardous Material Management
RECOMMENDATION: Approve policy for hazardous material management at Marin Housing Authority (MHA) properties.
SUMMARY: The draft policy attached will guide MHA staff, consultants and contractors in the management of one element of potentially hazardous materials, that being mildew, mold and excessive moisture.
A qualified consultant, Forensic Analytical Inc., assisted in drafting the policy and protocol. The policy will be incorporated into MHA's 'Maintenance Plan' and will become effective immediately. All MHA maintenance staff have been trained on the proper implementation of this policy.
This policy will help ensure safer properties, safe staff procedures, and better customer service.
FISCAL IMPACT: Reasonably increases property management costs.
Daniel Nackerman
Executive Director
Draft Policy
Draft Protocol (Procedure)
Marin Housing Authority
4020 Civic Center Drive
San Rafael CA 94903
Phone: (415) 491-2525
Maintenance: (415) 390-2094
Fax: (415) 472-2186
TDD: (800) 735-2929
Marin Housing's Main office lobby hours are Monday through Thursday 10 am to 4:30 pm. All in-person meetings are by appointment only, please email or call 415-491-2525 to schedule an appointment.
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