Housing Choice Voucher / Landlords
APPROVED: June 11, 2024
Marin County Housing Authority
Board of Commissioners
June 11, 2024
Board of Commissioners
Housing Authority of the County of Marin
Marin County Civic Center
3501 Civic Center Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903
SUBJECT: Resolution 2024-6-1 approving the Schedule of Allowances for Tenant Purchased Utilities for Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) participants effective July 1, 2024.
RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 2024-6-1.
SUMMARY: Each year, all housing authorities are required to set or re-set the “Utility Allowance Schedule” that guides the amounts for utility allowances for units in the Housing Choice Voucher program (Section 8). These Utility Allowances are the maximum amount of utility allowance that the housing authority will allow a program participant for a given unit.
HUD regulations state that Housing Agencies shall review utility allowances at least annually and revise allowances established if there has been a 10% change in utility rates since the last study. The proposed Utility Allowance Schedule is based on an independent countywide survey of utilities conducted by the Nelrod Corporation.
This year, the survey showed that the allowances for electricity increased 31%, while gas decreased by 7%. 3 out of 4 water providers increased their rates by more than 10%. 2 out of the 4 garbage providers increased by more than 10%. Tenant-owned ranges and refrigerators remained steady. The most dramatic change was the allowance for electricity.
As a comparison, the allowance for multi-family electric heating increased an average of 31% for all bedroom sizes. Previously electric heating ranged from $21 per month for a studio apartment to $51 per month for a 5-bedroom apartment. Electric heating now ranges from $27 per month for a studio apartment to $68 per month for a 5-bedroom apartment.
The staff is recommending that the proposed Utility Allowance Schedule be adopted effective July 1, 2024. A copy of the proposed schedule is attached.
FISCAL IMPACT: None. Utility allowance increases will be reimbursed by HUD.
Kimberly Carroll
Executive Director
Resolution 2024-6-1 2024
Utility allowance
Marin Housing Authority
4020 Civic Center Drive
San Rafael CA 94903
Phone: (415) 491-2525
Maintenance: (415) 390-2094
Fax: (415) 472-2186
TDD: (800) 735-2929
Marin Housing's Main office lobby hours are Monday through Thursday 10 am to 4:30 pm. All in-person meetings are by appointment only, please email or call 415-491-2525 to schedule an appointment.
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