Making Housing More Affordable

8-15-2023 Golden Gate Village Revitalization Update

August 17, 2023

Work is progressing towards selecting a developer partner best suited to work with MHA and the GGV Resident Council to implement the vision for redeveloping Golden Gate Village. 

In November 2022, the MHA board approved the GGV Redevelopment Framework. This vital document established the principles, goals, and approach to redeveloping GGV. A comprehensive rehabilitation will occur to address the property's physical needs. No buildings will be demolished, and no buildings will be added. The rehabilitation will be “green” and in keeping with the historical characteristics of the community. 

The redevelopment will also address the residents of GGV by ensuring residents will not lose their housing, preserving affordability, and investing in residents' services. Since November, MHA has instituted a preference for former GGV residents to return and has begun working with the Marin County and Marin Community Foundation to create a fund for services.

The GGV Redevelopment Framework instructed MHA to identify a developer partner best suited to accomplish the goals identified for GGV. It also established the HUD and financing process to accomplish the goals.

MHA worked with the GGV Resident Council to release a Request for Qualification (RFQ) to be used to identify a developer partner. This RFQ was released on May 22, 2023. Proposals were received on August 11th. A nine-member Evaluation Committee consisting of GGV Residents, community members, and housing professionals are currently working on reviewing the proposals. 

The next steps are to complete the review process and for the MHA board to receive a recommendation for the developer partner best suited to help implement the GGV Redevelopment Framework.

Mike Andrews, Principal, Structure PDX

MHA GGV Development Consultant

August 15, 2023

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