Date: May 22, 2024
Location: Zoom
Members: Michael Harris (Chair), Royce McLemore, Kevin Gladstone, Mark Galperin, Thos Chapman, Regina Talton, Tanya Rouin
Guests: MHA Staff – Kathleen Wyatt (Director, Housing Operations), Susanne Joyce (Program Manager, HCV Program), Yashica Simpson-Franklin (PH Program Manager, GGV), Antoinette Terrell (Director, Asset Management), Tanya Henderson (PH Program Manager, AMP2), and Other guest - Margaret Nolan, HCV participant
Absent: Lynnette Frary (excused) and Sharon Hayes (unexplained)
Mr. Harris brought the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m.
Attendance was taken, and introductions made.
1. Minutes: Motion by Royce McLemore to approve (once there was a quorum). Seconded by Michael Harris. Kevin Gladstone and Tanya Rouin abstained because they hadn’t read them yet. All others approved.
2. Discussion on the following items took place.
Recruitment: Tanya Henderson and Debbie Baldo posted the PH flyer and discussed recruitment at their community meetings at the AMP2 complexes. Kathleen Wyatt sent email blasts with the HCV flyer to at least 700 random Section 8 participants. One application was received from a Venetia Oaks resident. Two applications have been received so far from HCV participants. Royce will have another GGV resident join the RAB if Sharon Hayes is unable to attend meetings.
HOTMA: Kathleen Wyatt discussed the HOTMA policies that are discretionary and MHA management’s decisions on the options. The actual and entire policy changes will be presented later before they go to the Board of Commissioners. Members’ questions and concerns were addressed. The members accepted MHA’s decisions but insisted that all interim reports for decreases in income must be processed, and MHA agreed. Mr. Galperin wanted to clarify that MHA will use EIV for annuals, but not interims.
Letterhead: Thos Chapman will provide letterhead samples after clarifying what members want on it. He will use the 4020 address and they will obtain a Google email address for the RAB.
3. Unfinished Business
Proposed Bylaws: As discussed in the last meeting, the members agreed to accept the version of the bylaws that MHA had provided.
4. Resident Council Update: Ms. McLemore reported that a meeting will take place June 29 between the RC, MHA and Burbank. Elections were held for the RC and there are three new members. She explained that residents are against the pickleball courts because they don’t use them, but many outsiders do, and the RC does not get enough money from it and would prefer the original skateboard park/tennis courts.
5. Special Orders: There were no further reports or special orders.
6. New Business: Thos Chapman reported that the laundry facilities at Venetia Oaks are still inadequate and mentioned cars being tagged there. Royce McLemore reported on the past agreement between RC and MHA for laundry monitors, and that AT is working on a new contract with Wash for all complexes.
7. Next Meeting: Items for the next meeting will include the recruitment applications received, the Annual Plan update, laundry rooms update, and an explanation of how HUD sets FMRs. Kathleen Wyatt will send the Bylaws as drafted and approved to members.
8. Adjournment: With no further business before the Board, the Chair concluded the Meeting at 4:53 p.m.
Certification: Kathleen Wyatt
Date: May 24, 2024
Marin Housing Authority
4020 Civic Center Drive
San Rafael CA 94903
Phone: (415) 491-2525
Maintenance: (415) 390-2094
Fax: (415) 472-2186
TDD: (800) 735-2929
Marin Housing's Main office lobby hours are Monday through Thursday 10 am to 4:30 pm. All in-person meetings are by appointment only, please email or call 415-491-2525 to schedule an appointment.
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