Making Housing More Affordable
Marin Housing Authority (MHA) is requesting owners of rental property in Marin County to submit proposals for participation in the Housing Choice Voucher Assistance Program.
To create more affordable housing with long-term affordability restrictions, MHA will make available up to 24 project-based vouchers (vouchers) in its Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV) and/or Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) program for existing studio or one-bedroom units. “Existing” units are housing units that exist on the proposal selection date and substantially comply with Housing Quality Standards (HQS) on that date.
The intended recipients of this housing must be veterans who are formerly homeless, currently homeless or currently at risk of becoming homeless.
All financing of project costs and operating expenses will be the responsibility of the owner. Rents that are established for the project will be commensurate with comparable rents for similar rental units in the area in which the project is located, based on an appraisal obtained by MHA. In all cases, however, rents cannot exceed the maximum allowable payment standard as established by MHA for the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
All new admissions to units under the Project-Based Assistance Program may only be selected from the MHA waiting list.
Participation in the Project-Based Assistance Program requires compliance with Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Requirements, as well as Federal Labor Standards.
All proposals are to be addressed to MHA at the same address as above. Only proposals in response to this invitation will be accepted for consideration. Faxed and e-mail proposals cannot be accepted. Owners will be notified by letter of the acceptance or rejection of their proposals. All proposals MUST be received no later than 4:30 P.M. on June 27, 2024.
The Housing Authority of the County of Marin (MHA) has identified an increased need in Marin County for more permanent affordable housing opportunities for veterans who are homeless, formerly homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless.
To create more affordable housing with long-term affordability restrictions, MHA will make available up to twenty-four (24) project-based vouchers (vouchers) in its Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV) and/or Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program (VASH) for e x isting studio o r one-bedroom units. “Existing” units are housing units that exist on the proposal selection date and substantially comply with Housing Quality Standards (HQS) on that date.
In the Project-Based Voucher Program, the assistance is attached to the unit/structure. During the term of the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract, MHA will make housing assistance payments to the owner for units leased and occupied by eligible individuals/families taken from the MHA waiting list.
These vouchers will not be available for units already receiving any other type of rental subsidy from local, state, county, or federal sources.
The award of the vouchers is subject to approval by the MHA Board of Commissioners (Board). The current schedule projects that the vouchers will be awarded by July 31, 2024. MHA may award contracts for as long as an initial 20 years with possible extension, if justified by the owner in MHA’s sole discretion.
MHA invites Offerers to submit written proposals regarding the property for which they seek vouchers.
MHA hereby incorporates HUD regulations found at 24 CFR 983 into the requirements of this RFP. Additionally, the MHA’s Administrative Plan, Chapter 17 Project-Based Vouchers is incorporated in this proposal and can be found here.
All existing PBV assisted units must meet HQS and other requirements before rental assistance can commence. More generally, owners must meet the requirements of the PBV regulations at 24 CFR Part 983 and other applicable requirements.
HAP contract renewal after the initial term may occur at the sole option of the Housing Authority for such period as the Authority determines is appropriate to expand housing opportunities and to achieve long-term affordability of the assisted housing. All HAP contracts and subsequent renewals are contingent upon the future availability of appropriated HUD funds for the HCV Program.
Rental assistance (which is based on each household’s income) is provided while the units are occupied by eligible individuals or families referred from MHA’s waiting list. In determining an appropriate rental assistance payment for a unit assisted under the Project-Based Program, MHA will examine only those costs associated with the housing component of the unit. Costs related to supportive services associated with the unit, if any, will not be considered when establishing reasonable rental assistance payments for the unit. The gross rent for the unit is the amount of rent to owner and tenant provided utilities. The gross rent shall not exceed 120% of the current HUD published Fair Market Rent (FMR) the current FMR amounts are as follows (which are subject to change):
Unit Size | FMR |
Studio | $2,292 |
1 Bedroom | $2,818 |
2 Bedroom | $3,359 |
3 Bedroom | $4,112 |
MHA establishes the initial rents to be paid to the owner prior to execution of the HAP contract. MHA will provide an estimated initial rent to the owner of newly constructed units that will be incorporated into the AHAP. The fundamental tenet setting the initial rents is “rent reasonableness,” i.e., that the owner will not charge more for the PBV units than comparable unassisted units in the property or the immediate community. Rents may be redetermined at the annual anniversary of the HAP contact. MHA will redetermine PBV rents upon the owner’s request. The adjusted rents must be reasonable in comparison with rents charged for comparable units in the private, unassisted local market.
MHA maintains the waiting list for the PBV program. MHA will administer the waiting list in accordance with its Administrative Plan that is available for review here.
Up to twenty-five or twenty-five percent (25%) of a property’s units may be project-based. This cap will not apply if the PBV units over the cap are leased only to elderly families or units that are for households Marin Housing Authority RFP #001-2024 Housing Choice Voucher Program Assistance for Existing Housing Units for Veterans 5 eligible for supportive services available to all families receiving PBV assistance in the project, although the family is not required to accept or receive the services. These units are considered exempted units.
Supportive services include but are not limited to the services listed below. To be eligible for this service exception, a project must provide at least one of the services listed below to at least one member of each qualifying family. It is not necessary that the services be provided at or by the project. Services that are eligible for this exception from MHA Administrative Plan Chapter 17 Section 17-II.F.:
The project owner will be responsible for regularly monitoring the supportive services requirements for the excepted units that will house families. Annually, during the recertification process, MHA will examine the families’ receipt of supportive services to determine and confirm that the families still qualify to continue receiving HCV assistance as a qualifying family. MHA will require each service provider to monitor and submit a report to MHA identifying the services received by each family, and MHA will verify if all services required in the statement of family obligations or FSS contract of participation were received. If a family at the time of initial tenancy is receiving, and while the resident of an excepted unit has received, FSS supportive services or any other supportive services as defined in the MHA Administrative Plan, and successfully completes the FSS contract of participation or the supportive services requirement, the unit continues to count as an excepted unit for as long as the family resides in the unit.
MHA may be able to provide or obtain certain types of supportive services on a fee for service basis for owners to offer resident families. MHA is also interested in providing other services or serving in the ownership structure or as a property manager in exchange for an equitable payment. Any interested owners may contact MHA for additional information.
Project-based units must be leased only to families eligible for Section 8 PBV assistance for the term of the HAP contract.
35% of Area Median Income | $41,150 | $47,000 | $52,900 | $58,750 | $63,450 | $68,150 | $72,850 | $77,550 |
50% of Area Median Income | $68,550 | $78,350 | $88,150 | $97,900 | $105,750 | $113,600 | $121,400 | $129,250 |
MHA reserves the right to modify this proposed allocation of 24 vouchers and may increase or decrease the total allocation and/or the allocation of vouchers for bedroom sizes at its sole discretion based upon the response to this RFP.
MHA also reserves the right to determine the number of vouchers to award to an Offeror. MHA may award vouchers for some, but not all, units contained in a proposal.
Request for Proposals Released | June, 3, 2024 |
Questions Due | June, 10, 2024, by 4:30 p.m. PST |
Posting of Responses for Questions | June 15, 2024 |
Proposals Due | June, 27, 2024, by 4:30 p.m. PST |
Evaluation Process | June 28 - July 11, 2024 |
Ranking of Proposals (and negotiation, if necessary, with Top Proposer(s)) | July 15 - 15, 2024 |
Award Contract (Tentative) | July 23, 2024 |
The proposal must contain specific information to facilitate its evaluation and must be submitted in the following format:
Section 1 - COVER PAGE
Include a table of contents for material contained in the proposal.
A. Describe any significant experience managing low and very low-income units for:
B. Describe the size of the company/organization's affordable housing portfolio, the amount and length of experience developing and/or managing affordable housing, and evidence of financial stability.
It is expected that offerors will propose different types of units located in different types of settings. MHA would like to know as much about the units and the property's setting as possible.
This section should clearly describe each unit and the development/associated property for which the Offeror seeks voucher including, but not limited to, the following information where applicable:
A. Physical Description(s) of Property(ies)
B. Property’s Amenities
(If there are multiple identical units in a development, it is not necessary to describe each individually, but be sure to include each unit’s street address. Also, it is not necessary to provide photos of each unit if there are multiple identical units in a development.)
C. Vouchers Sought
Specify the number of vouchers sought for each bedroom size at the development.
EXAMPLE: “The Offeror seeks tenant-based voucher assistance for three (3) one bedroom units at Goldenhill Courtyard.”
Provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of two organizations that MHA may contact as references for the Offeror’s ability to serve as a landlord.
Provide any additional information that is necessary so that MHA can evaluate the proposal based on the criteria described in the chart below.
Section 7 - Required Documents; the following documents are required to be submitted with the Proposal:
This RFP is being issued, as well as any addendums by MHA. The contact person for MHA is:
Attention: Kathleen Wyatt, Director of Housing Operations
4020 Civic Center Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903
Proposals must be submitted via hardcopy (mail, parcel, or hand delivery) using the enclosed proposals form and include the required attachments. Telephone, email or fax responses will NOT be accepted for this request.
The envelope must be sealed, contain one (1) original signed proposal, and at least three (3) copies of the proposal. Each submission should include the following notation on the cover page, “HCV and VASH Project-Based Assistance for Existing Housing Units.” Each copy of the proposal should have a cover page and be placed unfolded, in a sealed package.
Proposal Deadline: Your proposal must be received by mail or hand delivery at the address above NO LATER THAN 4:30 PM on June 27, 2024. Proposals received after that time will not be considered.
All questions concerning the RFP shall be directed to Kathleen Wyatt. You must submit them in writing to no later than June 27, 2024, 4:30 p.m. PST.
To avoid all appearances of impropriety, proposer should only contact the above referenced staff person and shall not attempt to contact any MHA Commissioner. No oral request for clarification or information will be accepted.
Once proposals have been received, a panel will evaluate and rank each proposal meeting the minimum acceptable qualifications with the following criteria:
1 | SITE AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS AND DESIRABILITY Evidence of site control including option agreements, sales contracts or proof of current ownership. Documentation of zoning status. Desirability and quality of site and units. | 25 Maximum Points |
2 | SUPPORTIVE SERVICES FOR SPECIAL POPULATIONS Extent to which and experience providing supportive housing services to population of proposed project and services planned for occupants. If not providing services directly; services available in immediate area for occupants | 10 Maximum Points |
3 | PHYSICAL ACCESSIBILITY 24 CFR 983.102 | 5 Maximum Points |
Exceeds the percentage of accessible dwelling units required by HUD. | 5 | |
Meets the percentage of accessible dwelling units required by HUD. | 3 | |
4 | PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IN THE TENANT-BASED OR PROJECT-BASED VOUCHER PROGRAMS AND COMPLIANCE WITH OWNER’S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE TENANT-BASED OR PROJECT-BASED VOUCHER PROGRAMS MHA will consider size of affordable housing portfolio, evidence of financial stability, length and breadth of experience and references and tenant selection policies. | 25 |
Excellent | 25 | |
Good | 17 | |
Fair | 9 | |
Poor | 0 | |
5 | De-Concentration of Poverty and Expanding Housing and Economic opportunities. | 10 |
Excellent: Poverty concentration census tract <20% | 10 | |
Fair: Poverty concentration census tract more than 20%, but less than 75% | 5 | |
Poor: Poverty concentration census tract >75% | 0 | |
6 | Financial Feasibility Pro formas and operating budgets. Proof of funding sources. | 15 Maximum Points |
7 | Responsiveness to RFP Requirements and Timeliness of project complication | 10 Maximum Points |
TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE | 100 Maximum Points |
By submission of a proposal and if an Offeror’s proposal is accepted, the Offeror agrees to enter into a contract with MHA that incorporates all of the requirements of this RFP and the PBV. If the selected Offeror fails to enter a HAP contract within sixty (60) days following the award announcement, MHA reserves the right to award the HAP contract to one or more other successful Offerors.
Information submitted in response to this RFP will not be released by MHA during the proposal evaluation process or prior to a contract award. Once contracts have been awarded, release of information will be subject to the California Public Records Act.
Any protest regarding this request for proposals must be received at least ten calendar days before the due date for receipt of proposals. Any dispute against rejection of a proposal or protest of Notice of Award a contract must be received within seven calendar days, after publication of Notice of Award, or the protest will not be considered. Any bid protest or dispute must be in writing and submitted to the RFP contact person.
The envelope containing the protest must be marked with the Proposer’s name and corresponding solicitation number and conspicuously identified as an “RFP Protest.” The Proposer’s written protest must specify the legal, procedural, and/or factual grounds upon which the protest is based as well as a statement of relief requested. The judgment used in scoring by individual evaluators is not grounds for protest. A written decision on the matter shall be issued to the disputing or protesting party within ten (10) days of receipt.
By submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, Proposer agrees their proposal is a binding offer to perform the work described in this RFP. Proposals may be withdrawn or modified prior to the proposal due date and time by submitting a written request to the contact person for this RFP. Proposals may not be withdrawn or modified after the proposal due date and time unless MHA agrees in writing.
By submitting this proposal, respondent agrees that neither they, nor any partner, subcontractor or staff member is debarred, suspended, or otherwise prohibited from conducting business with any Federal, State or Local agency.
MHA reserves the right to enter into negotiations, at its sole discretion, with the apparent successful Proposer(s). If MHA, in its sole discretion, determines that such negotiations have reached an impasse, MHA reserves the right to terminate negotiations with that Proposer and commence negotiations with the next highest-ranked responsive Proposer or to terminate all negotiations. This process may continue until an agreement is reached and the Contract is executed or MHA cancels this RFP or terminates negotiations.
Costs incurred by any proposer in response to this RFP shall be the responsibility of the proposer and no cost will be reimbursed by MHA. Proposers shall not include any such expense as part of this proposal.
After completion of the evaluation process, MHA will name a/the “Successful Proposer(s)” and issue a “Notice of Intent to Award” to this Proposer. Identification of the “Successful Proposer” is procedural only and creates no right in the named Proposer(s) to contract award. The successful proposer will be notified by letter.
MHA reserves the right to award the contract(s) to the Offeror(s), whose proposal(s) is/are determined by MHA in its sole judgment to be the most advantageous proposal, taking into consideration the evaluation criteria. Should the selected finalist(s) fail to enter into a contract with MHA, MHA reserves the right to award the contract to another/other Offeror(s). MHA may choose to reject all proposals and not award a contract with or without reissuance of another RFP if it is in the best interest of MHA.
MHA reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informality in the RFP process, or to terminate the RFP process at any time, if deemed by MHA to be in its best interests.
MHA reserves the right to select more than one respondent, to select a respondent(s) for specific purposes or for any combination of specific purposes, and to defer the selection of any respondent(s) to a time of MHA’s choosing.
MHA reserves the right not to award a contract pursuant to this RFP.
MHA reserves the right to modify the number of project-based vouchers that it awards pursuant to this RFP.
MHA reserves the right to request an oral interview with, and additional information from, companies/individuals prior to final selection of a provider.
MHA reserves the right to reject and not consider any bid that does not meet the requirements of this RFP, including but not necessarily limited to incomplete bids and/or bids offering alternate or non-requested services.
MHA shall have no obligation to compensate any bidder for any costs incurred in responding to this RFP.
MHA shall reserve the right to at any time during the RFP or contract process to prohibit any further participation by a bidder or reject any bid submitted that does not conform to any of the requirements detailed herein. Each prospective bidder is hereby agreeing to abide by all terms and conditions listed within this document. Any exceptions must be clearly noted in the proposal.
Failure to complete and submit all required information, or to add any additional requirements not acceptable to the MHA, may invalidate the proposal submitted. Furthermore, the MHA shall reserve the right to reject, without consideration, alternate quotes that do not meet the requirements of this RFP.
All proposals submitted in response to this RFP will become the property of MHA and will not be returned.
Marin Housing Authority
4020 Civic Center Drive
San Rafael CA 94903
Phone: (415) 491-2525
Maintenance: (415) 390-2094
Fax: (415) 472-2186
TDD: (800) 735-2929
Marin Housing's Main office lobby hours are Monday through Thursday 10 am to 4:30 pm. All in-person meetings are by appointment only, please email or call 415-491-2525 to schedule an appointment.
All Rights Reserved | Marin Housing Authority
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