Making Housing More Affordable

Golden Gate Village June 2024 Newsletter

June 12, 2024

Celebrating Freedom and Unity: The Marin City Juneteenth Festival

9:00 AM: Community prayer breakfast at the Marguerite Johnson Senior Center at 640 Drake Ave, Marin City.

10:30 AM to 7:00 PM: Festival hours at Rocky Graham Park, 850 Drake Ave, Marin City

11:30 AM: Performance stage opens, featuring international and local talent, including Music: Gospel, Praise Dance, International Percussion, Funk, Neo-soul, Rap, Poetry and Theater.

7:00 PM: Market and Festival close. Stay to join in the 90-minute clean-up event, DJ’d by Ebony Slam, Feeve Wells and nephew Ra. 

A heart shaped flag with the words juneteenth celebrate freedom on it.

Rocky Graham Park will be the site for the Juneteenth Festival, with performances by local musicians, dancers, and artists, along with workshops exploring African American heritage. There will also be a vibrant marketplace showcasing local artisans, entrepreneurs, and fabulous local food.

This year’s event begins at 9:00 AM, with a community prayer breakfast at the Marguerite Johnson Senior Center (just up the hill from Rocky Graham Park). At 10:30 AM, the intimate amphitheater will be the site for a Drum Call to invite the community to join the festivities. The Opening Ceremony includes special honors for the eldest and youngest of African descent, sharing beverages, standing for the singing of the Negro National Anthem, and crowning the community Queen and King.


Come out and meet the Burbank Project Team, Design Team and Pyatok Architects on June 29, between noon and 3pm! These teams will be working with MHA on the revitalization of GGV. Location will be confirmed soon.


Any additions to the Household Members listed in a Lease,

  • including:
  • live-in aides
  • persons under adult care and
  • foster children
  • but excluding:
  • natural births
  • legal adoptions
  • court-awarded custody,

require the advance written approval of MHA.

Prospective new household members must meet all of MHA’s applicable eligibility and screening requirements, including proof of custody, guardianship, or adoption for minor children, and a criminal history check if aged 18 or over.

  • Tenant agrees to wait for MHA’s approval before allowing additional persons to move into a Dwelling Unit. Failure to comply with this provision is a serious and material violation of a Lease and grounds for termination of the Lease and eviction.

  • If a household member qualifies to have a live-in aide, the aide will occupy a Dwelling Unit as a licensee and will have no tenancy rights. The aide may only occupy the Dwelling Unit after the aide has signed MHA’s standard Live-In Aide Agreement.

    “Live-in aide” means a person who resides with an elderly or disabled household member who:
  • is determined to be essential to the care and well-being of the household member;
  • is not obligated to support the household member; and
  • would not be living in the Dwelling Unit except to provide the necessary supportive services.

The aide may live in the Dwelling Unit only so long as the household member qualifies for the aide’s services and must vacate immediately upon termination of his/her employment or within 14 days of the death of the qualifying Tenant.

  • Tenant shall notify MHA in writing if any household member vacates or no longer resides in the unit within 10 days of the occurrence. Tenant shall be fully responsible for the actions of all household members until MHA has been notified in writing of the change and the household member has been removed from the Lease.

    MHA will not remove a household member from the Lease once a Lease violation has occurred, unless MHA makes a determination to exclude said household member in accord with the Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (“ACOP”) regarding exclusions.

  • In the event of death of the head(s) of household or primary Lease holder(s), a Lease will terminate within 14 days following such person’s death. Remaining family members will be permitted to execute a new Lease for the unit, provided they meet and complete all necessary requirements for eligibility.


  • Rent is due and payable on the first day of each calendar month.
  • Rent payments received or postmarked after the 7th day of the month will be deemed late and will incur a $15.00 late payment fee.
  • Late payment fees shall not be due and collectible until two weeks after MHA gives written notice of the charge. Late payment fees shall be assessed on late payment of rent.
  • Tenants who submit a check that is returned for insufficient funds or drawn on a closed or non-existent account shall be assessed a service charge of $25.00 and may be required to make future payments by certified check or money order only. MHA reserves the right to demand certified funds on nonpayment of rent notices.
  • If you pay your rent with a check, please make sure that the address on your check matches the address of your residence, so that your payment is promptly posted and posted to the correct account.

If you have any questions, please contact the office at (415) 332-1913.


If you received an income increase or decrease, please don’t forget to report it by completing an interim form within 10 days of the change.

To have an interim form mailed or emailed to you, call (415) 332-1913. You can also stop by the office and fill out a form.


Heads of Households are responsible for the behavior of all household members and guests. Areas of responsibility include, but are not limited to, fraud (late, inaccurate, or non-reporting of income, assets, and household members), and violent and/or drug-related criminal activities. Please be aware that the entire household will be jeopardized by the actions of any household member, including household members under the age of 18 years.


MHA has just signed an exclusive right to negotiate with Burbank Housing, for the redevelopment of Golden Gate Village.

While the parties work toward establishing a Master Agreement, MHA would like to introduce the Burbank Team to the GGV Community, in partnership with the GGV Resident Council.

Be on the lookout for a meeting invite that will go out very soon! This meeting will take place in Marin City on June 29.

June 2024


As per MHA’s pet policy dated January 1, 2010, ownership of pets is limited to seniors 62 years or older and persons with disabilities.

Responsibilities required for pet ownership include: 

  • Proof of licensing
  • Annual verification of vaccinations, including rabies, distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, feline distemper, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and pneumonitis.
  • Treatment of pet in accordance with state laws.
  • Proof that the pet has been spayed or neutered.
  • Pets must be on a leash no longer than six feet and under the tenant’s control.
  • Immediately pick up and properly dispose of animal feces.
  • Birds must be caged.
  • Signing of Pet Policy Agreement

Pets not kept in accordance with the pet policy will be considered lease violations and subject to removal from the household or termination of the dwelling lease.

If you have any questions about your responsibilities as a pet owner or concerns about the conduct of another tenant regarding their pet, you can contact MHA’s office at (415) 332-1913.

Download GGV June 2024 Newsletter PDF here
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