Making Housing More Affordable

Burbank Housing and Marin Housing Authority Partner to Preserve, Rehabilitate and Revitalize Historic Golden Gate Village

December 20, 2023
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Rehabilitation of all 294 units, historic preservation and a $3 million dollar empowerment fund for the Golden Gate Village community are among the planned additions and improvements.

San Rafael, CA – December 19, 2023 – On December 12, 2023, Marin Housing Authority’s (MHA) Board of Commissioners voted to approve the Authority's staff recommendation to enter into negotiations with Santa Rosa-based Burbank Housing as the development partner for its Golden Gate Village Revitalization Project. Adopted by MHA’s Board in November of 2022, the project plan prioritizes preserving Golden Gate Village’s (GGV) historic buildings and affordability for its residents through rehabilitation and recapitalization, as well as a $2,000,000 empowerment fund to bolster support services for GGV residents. The Marin Community Foundation contributed an additional $1,000,000. 

Using information from GGV residents and stakeholders, MHA created a framework for redeveloping GGV that is best suited to preserve affordability and leverage significant capital for rehabilitation. Much of the plan embraces the goals and outcomes expressed by GGV residents. When completed, MHA will have accomplished a comprehensive renovation of GGV, incorporating “deep green” features, and preserving the historic integrity of the property. MHA’s objectives focus on preserving affordability for current and future residents, protecting residents’ rights and maintaining a contractual relationship with the Resident Council. The GGV Resident Empowerment Fund was created to provide economic opportunities through increased services, and to strengthen resident engagement. With the framework in place, MHA set out to find a developer partner experienced with affordable housing as well as rehabilitation.

“The selection of a developer partner was the next important step in implementing the Board-approved GGV Redevelopment Plan, which will invest in the physical and social fabric of Golden Gate Village and offer residents opportunity. I look forward to partnering with Burbank Housing! This is a great milestone for the 300 families who call GGV home”, said Kimberly Carroll, Executive Director of MHA. 

The selection of Burbank Housing came after MHA released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in May 2023, seeking a developer partner for the project. An Evaluation Committee comprised of 7 members (including 2 GGV residents, 4 community volunteers and 1 staff member) was formed and asked to review the proposals submitted by 5 developers. After deliberation, the Committee identified Burbank Housing as the top-ranking proposal. Once the Committee’s recommendation was endorsed by MHA’s Executive Director and by the GGV Subcommittee, it was brought to the Board of Commissioners on 12/12/23, where it was formally approved. 

“Golden Gate Village is an incredible site with an amazing history,” said Burbank Housing CEO Larry Florin. “It symbolizes the promise of housing affordability to all in our community. We are committed to working closely with the residents of Golden Gate Village and the Marin Housing Authority to revitalize and reinvigorate GGV not only for its current residents, but for future generations.”

The rehabilitation project is the first affordable housing project to be developed in partnership between Burbank Housing and the Marin Housing Authority. Florin noted his appreciation for the opportunity to partner with MHA on this important project. “Burbank Housing is grateful to the Marin Housing Authority, its Board of Commissioners, the GGV Redevelopment Subcommittee and especially the GGV Resident Council for this opportunity. We are extremely pleased that our expertise can be leveraged to both preserve and rehabilitate Golden Gate Village for residents there.” 

With the developer selection process now complete, Burbank Housing and Marin Housing Authority will enter into negotiations over the coming months. The two entities will work on developing a robust development and community outreach & engagement plan that will be presented to the MHA Board of Commissioners in the first quarter of 2024. 

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