Making Housing More Affordable

Revitalization Phase - Board of Commissioners Request to Adopt Resolution No. 01-2022 Letter

Date: March 22, 2022 

Board of Commissioners 

Housing Authority of the County of Marin 3501 Civic Center Drive 

San Rafael, CA 94903 

SUBJECT: Request to adopt the resolution providing policy direction that Rehabilitation Revitalization is the preferred development option for revitalization of Golden Gate Village consistent with HUD compliance and guiding principles. 

RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 01-2022. 

SUMMARY: On January 25, 2022, the GGV Resident Council and a team of consultants presented a revitalization plan for GGV (the "Resident Plan"). The presentation of the Resident Plan provided the following overview: 

• Renovation of existing units.

• No new construction

• Preservation of historic buildings, grounds and landscaping

• No permanent displacement of tenants

• Less expensive to develop than any plans that include new construction

• Less time to commence and complete than any plans that include new construction

• Creates sustainable, resilient housing

• Provides resident equity and job training opportunities.

• Reverses decades of neglect and indifference.

HUD has emphasized and MHA concurs, that the revitalization planning for GGV has been going on for a long time, but that any revitalization option for GGV must be thoroughly analyzed to ensure that it is in the best interest of the GGV residents. As a result of many discussions with the GGV Resident Council and HUD, the MHA Board has decided to pursue a rehabilitation only option for GGV. 

The rehabilitation only option that MHA proposes to HUD must meet the following goals 

("HUD Feasibility Criteria"): 

1. Solve overhousing in a timely manner

2. Recognize historic preservation criteria

3. Recapitalize GGV and be financially feasible

4. Address the $63m in capital needs identified in the Physical Needs Assessment completed in 2021.

Over the next few months (through August 2022), MHA will work closely with the GGV Resident Council and a Community Advisory Group (CAG) through a community process to discuss and analyze how a rehabilitation only option can meet the above HUD Feasibility. Criteria. The goal is to develop consensus on a feasible rehabilitation only option for GGV and present it to the MHA Board in the 3rd quarter of 2022. MHA will provide regular MHA Board updates on the progress of the community planning process with the CAG, including members of the GGV Resident Council. 

FISCAL IMPACT: The Authority will have sufficient funding from Capital Funds and Operations to conduct the above activities.


Kimberly Carroll 

Interim Executive Director 

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